BobZany's forum posts
It would have been a great game as a single player/Co-op rpg. The story quests (at least on the Empire side were pretty good, as were the some of the planet storylines that I played through. The flashpoints were also quite good. Most of the other traditional MMO stuff the game did was tedious, though. Giant zones that took forever to cross, the same "bring me 10 bear asses" type questing with dialogue to skip through, etc. Space combat was fun for the first couple of times as a throwback to Rebel Assault, but quickly become tedious.
The world was also too heavily phased/instanced, which made for great storytelling on missions, but terrible for being an MMO. I played on the one of the highest population realms, sat in a queue for 2 hours around launch time, only to feel like places like Dromand Kaas were ghost towns. I can't imagine how empty the worlds feel now.
Faction imbalance was another issue. Casting animation differences that affect combat aren't so good. Personally, I found the Republic classes to be boring to play in comparison. Bioware doesn't seem to know how to make good as fun as evil. They focus a little too much on the ascetic idea of being good, and not on being a hero. You should feel like a hero and a badass playing a Jedi. Playing an evil character was just more fun.
I played a bit in the beta and shortly after launch. The game seemed to be pretty decent, but not different enough from WoW to really draw me away that game. Especially with how boring the races were in comparison to the Alliance and Horder races. The rifts were pretty fun, though. The expansion looks like it might be pretty good, but Guild Wars 2 is also coming out soon. If I ever get bored of that game, I might take another look.
I just bought Darksiders 2, and decided to finally get around to playing 1. It's not very original. It's very apparent where it draws its influences from, and the game almost shifts to another type of gameplay depending on which game it's emulating. The characters are also far too serious. Despite all that, I'm really having a blast playing it. The parts could use a little more blending, but they seem to work fairly well together. The art style is also pretty fun, and is enough to generally offset the overly serious story and character acting.
I'm fairly early on in the game, I'm assuming. I'm working through the second "temple" type area now. Who knows if I will be completely bored of it by the end.
Blizzard games take awhile to mature. You don't play a Blizzard game for a few weeks after launch, you play them for years after launch. That's just how they are.
Yep. Exactly. People will look back on Diablo 3 in high regard like their other titles. This patch is hopefully just the start of that.
Can't wait to see the changes go live.
Thanks a bunch. This has been on my wishlist for awhile now.
I've bought way too many games in the last year or so. There's been a lot of awesome deals, but it's getting difficult to pick out stuff I don't already own.
Here's what I've picked up so far in the summer sale:
Beat Hazard Complete
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade EditionThe Bard's TaleBinding of Isaac Bundle (Summer 2012)Divine DivinityI started gaming back in 1982 or so with the Atari 2600. We got our first PC around 1994. I was hooked after playing Wolfenstein 3D and Doom.
I didn't play this too much with the other game coming out this week, but I enjoyed it quite a bit from what I played. I've already pre-purchased the game, but the beta has gotten me even more excited to play it. I'm loving the more diverse environments, especially. As good as the first game was, the feeling of boredom managed to sink in somewhat the further I kept plunging into the same dungeon (that was problem I had with the first game in the other series, as well). Having an overworld to explore in addition to the dungeons helps a ton with that.
I'm loving the art style, too.
I've been avoiding getting too much information about this game to keep from getting overly hyped about the game. Though, I have been listening to Guildcast the last few weeks. I was pleasantly surprised by how the game managed to become more of a true MMO while the characters and the world were still a lot like the first game.
The PvE so far is a blast. The dynamic events were great fun. Much more enjoyable than straight questing. Similar events in other games like Warhammer Online and Rift have been my favorite part of those games. Though, I hope the fun isn't fleeting. Rifts became fairly tedious after awhile, though that was more due to how often they appeared, and interfered with anything else you were doing in game. So far, the dynamic events seem to have a lot of variety.This is the first MMO in awhile I've played where I enjoyed just running around exploring and participating in the various events as I found them. I also enjoyed how many of the human area events were plays on Pre-searing quests from the first game.
Movement/combat feels a little clunky like in the first Guild Wars, but it was still fairly enjoyable. The weapons/skill system is fairly interesting. I seem to see more bashing lately of the "hotkey" combat style other MMOs have, but I find that playstyle can be fun depending on how fluid and quick it is. Guild Wars 2 seems to have a decent mix of "hotkey" and action. Making sure I'm in range, because you can still swing your weapon, and rolling out of the way will take some getting used to.
Like the first game, I loved the artstyle. Of the environments, as least. Some of the player models, particularly the males, were a little too Asian MMO-ish. At least I can hide the girly looking faces under a big beard this time around. More than anything, I was ecstatic at how much the game looked like Guild Wars.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to try any PvP this weekend. The game crashed when I tried to queue up. Beta is beta. I'm really looking forward to trying it out in the next beta weekend. Whenever that is.
Overall, I'm really looking forward to this game. It's familiar, and yet different enough from the various WoW-clones out there. Games like SWTOR aren't really that bad, but I'm pretty burnt out on that style of play. Also on the time commitment. One of my favorite aspects of playing Guild Wars 2 this weekend was feeling fairly satisfied with only playing a couple of hours. In that time, I was able to do a couple of story instances, and quite a few other events. That means I could potentially only play a half hour and still get something out of it.
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