def 64 bit. you will get full use out of your 4 gigs of ram, and depending on what version of windows 7 you get, you can add more ram as you please.
BodomArmy666's forum posts
hopefully they will fix the laggy as hell online. I would love to pop this game back in, it has been collecting dust since the second day ive had it,
so if i dont pre order i dont get the nice....i bet they make people pay outrageous DLC prices for people who dont pre order. nice way to treat your fans.
I'd cry to if I had to play a fighting game online with that much lag....that will make Chuck Noris cry.
^ mostly based on sheer stupidity and ignorance. Yes there is racism in all races, but imo, 9/10 of the time is usually somebody white saying the slur. Why? Idk, im black but I haven't had any slur directed to me as of yet Eagles931
so you can see through your internet connection and know the person is white huh? wow amazing powers ya got there buddy
people are really going to pay for characters that very could have and SHOULD have been in the game already? I am not suprised...just a way for them to scam more money out of you, just like the premium service for MW3.
Yay I'm curious to learn about what everyone will be complaining about for the next year as they continue to fork over their money to Activision
I may or may not buy the game, but I tell you there is NO CHANCE I will participate in this subscription model. Just like I will never buy one of their $15 map packs under any circumstances.
If their idea of "monetization" cripples the "base game" you get for $60, then that may damage their sales a bit on the front end (that is assuming people don't just get bored of another COD game anyway). My hope is the millions of people that actually do buy the extra map packs, decide to at least draw the line here and not jump into the subscription model (just going on my assumption that it will be a joke as far as actual value). At some point you have to think that "franchise fatigue" will set in and Activisions complacency will bite them in the !#$.
My guess is that they will have guns/accessories that you can buy for a few dollars. People that don't buy the guns will get annoyed when they do get killed by the gun and say that it is OP'd or something and in retaliation will probably buy it as well.
For accessories they will probably have stupid stuff like Native American Headdresses for the soldiers to wear and teenagers/fratboys across the world will say "OMFG that is ******* HILARIOUS!!!" and will buy it. If Acitivision is smart they will try to nickel and dime people to death rather than having them pay a large sum up front. Instead of charging $10/month they could just release silly accessories for 99 cents each and people will eat them up because in their head "It's only 99 cents"
this is exactly what i said in the Mortal kombat thread a while back. it all starts with the online pass. people say oh its not big deal it doesnt bother me, its a good thing in my book blah blah blah... then this happens....I even said the next killzone will charge DLC for ammo and guns. I am not suprised. It is the people who buy this crap and seem to think there is nothing wrong with this that are causing this to escalate. You know when you buy this crap the devs are sitting back laughing at you and saying these suckers will buy anything ain that right bill?
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