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#1 Bolund
Member since 2004 • 581 Posts

[QUOTE="spazzx625"]If DVD is a constraint...Why is the main platform the PC? :?Dante2710
i think epic is trying really bad to kiss sony`s behind lately :lol:

Why wouldnt they be kissing Sonys behind. MS made Epic sell their gears maps which Epic was a histroy of never putting a cost of downable conent on the PC. Epic is giving keyboardmouse support, PCmods, better graphics(watch the sony press confrence sony sent in a team to help Epic) and more maps. This could be a big F u to MS also Epic vice pres was prazing blu-ray and MS lack of a HDD and disck space. But it sucks that 360 owners like my friends wont have the best version.

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#2 Bolund
Member since 2004 • 581 Posts
WOW, this game will be amazing. Basic gameplay takes alot from HL2 but with a cool creepy twist to it. Cant wait fot it so my 360 can be usefull.
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#3 Bolund
Member since 2004 • 581 Posts

but that logic can be applied to any game... yet their are still 360 3rd party exclusives.


there aren't 3rd party exclusives from known multi plat developers like 2k games, until bioshock of course.

FireFalkon just keeps pwning, I was going to butt into this but I seee you have everything covered.

2K Games isn't a developer... they are publisher company.

the game is made by Irrational Games, primarily a PC-only dev team. so them sticking to PC and its console counterpart 360 is a logical step.

and please... keep that foul term "pwning" in the trash that is System Wars. :)

But nobody in this fourm can deny that Bioshock was in develpoment for the PS3 for 4 months than at x06 it was announced as pc/360 exculsive. Plus the way the lead dev Kevin something reacts to it gettting porting is questionable. Its not like Kojima who flat out said no. Dosent matter I have 360 and willbe playing this and Halo 3 really the two only games I want for the 360.

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#4 Bolund
Member since 2004 • 581 Posts

but that logic can be applied to any game... yet their are still 360 3rd party exclusives.


there aren't 3rd party exclusives from known multi plat developers like 2k games, until bioshock of course.

FireFalkon just keeps pwning, I was going to butt into this but I seee you have everything covered.

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#5 Bolund
Member since 2004 • 581 Posts
The 360 has some great games like Bioshock and if you a 360 that wont brake than get the Elite version. Im with on that I love my PS3 more than my 360 cause of the line up
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#6 Bolund
Member since 2004 • 581 Posts

whatever, I'm not getting all of rockband. I'm just buying the disc and the guitar hero III package. I only care about guitar not drums or singing.FlawlessSeasons

I doing this too. Les Paul over a strat any day

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#7 Bolund
Member since 2004 • 581 Posts

For everyone who is picking Guitar Hero III, you do know that Rock Band is made by the same developers as Guitar Hero I and II, right? Guitar Hero III is going to be made by Activision's Neversoft brand (People who make Tony Hawk). Also for the person who was pending on getting it for either the ps3 or 360, Rock Band will be compatible with with either Guitar Hero Guitars or Rock Band Guitars.sharrak

It Comes down to songs and GH3s music is more appealing to me

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#8 Bolund
Member since 2004 • 581 Posts

[QUOTE="atarigrad"]About the same chance as MGS4 hitting 360. You never know.junk56

well thats not totaly true because hido said he was thinking of bringing that to the 360 but there really is no chance of bioshock hitting the ps3 its just to much of a money spinner for MS. this is also proven by all the ppl on here wishing it was on the ps3 and are now more likely to go buy a 360 to play it

actually its the other way around. mgs4 is never ever coming to the 360 because it has been denied by hideo at least 4-5 times and its 100% confirmed to be ps3 exclusive. bioshock on the other hand started off with ps3 development then they got paid and it became PC and 360 exclusive. Not to mention peter moore was also implying it was a timed exclusive in one of his interviews and nobody from the dev studio to actually turn down the rumor. they said they're not allowed to talk about the ps3 version but it doesn't mean its not in the works, so it might come, it might not. but mgs4 is 100% ps3 exclusive.

once hideo leaves though any mgs after that would be up in question. so mgs spinoffs might go to 360 but of course, it'll be crap out of the garbage can

THANK YOU!! Stop comparing this rumore to MGS4 on 360 cause develpoment was never announced for the 360 but with Bioshock develpoment was started on PC 360 ans PS3 than it became a 360 pc exclusive this year.

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#9 Bolund
Member since 2004 • 581 Posts

i have to disagree, heavenly sword doesn't look too interesting to me, in fact, i am not very interested in any of the exclusive games coming out for ps3 this year. ps3 has a weak exclusive lineup for this year i am afraid. kingtahktahkhuk

Im sorry I dont want to turn this into a System Wars but I only realy see Bioshock, Halo, Mas Effect, and PGR has AAA games on 360 and PS# and 360 are pretty equal this Holidays with their games, but PS3 has a new feature called Home which looks pretty promisng

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#10 Bolund
Member since 2004 • 581 Posts

[QUOTE="WongB"]You're forgeting Haze, UTIII, Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Sword, UnCharted, Socom, Warhawk, and possibly Lair and Time Crisis 4.

Haze isn't exclusive

UTIII also not exclusive

Rachet and Clank looks good, not great

Uncharted looks like it might be great

Socom at the moment looks bad

Warhawk also looks good, but not great

Lair looks average or good

Tim Crisis 4...., people still play light gun games?

Even though Haze and UT3 is not exclusive you could only play it on a PS3 and get it THIS HOLIDAY seasowithout upgrading your PC, also its when every buys thier enteriment supplys. And you prob never played a Socom game so dont say it sucks cause the Multiplayer is always solid since the first one. And if you dont like these games than dont talk about it in the PS3 fourms go to system wars ot the GAME BOARDS.