I think that PSP Slim going to hit again but now with more power, It doesn't matter what will happen - Everybody can hack this device and download any game he wants to. I think Sony needs carefully to invest more in the security stuff
ATI never defeated Nvidia for long time! during Q1 of 2008 Nvidia will return her lead and hit back with better graphic cards than 8 series and after that ATI will not overtake the lead again because AMD has many problems in those days and if they want to succeed with their processes they have to stop the progressing process and invest more time in the proccesses. And after all those things many companies now combine their computers in Nvidia chip because people want to get the best compensation for the money and the best quality (especially after that we all have seen the games requirement of Q4 of 2007).
....anyway, who wants to buy **** AMD, i don't need it and who else need it??? Intel proved us at the last year that her processors are very promising in conflict to AMD that always grows down and down....
It isn't put a dual between the cards....cause as you see Nvidia always on top. I think it's certainly intelligent move that Activision did the minimum quality in very low consuption for those who hasn't new computer yet.
BontraXenderKyl's comments