Gridrunner for the Vic-20...followed closely by Sir-Tech's Wizardy I. Gridrunner was my first cartridge game...Wizardy of course was the 5 1/4" floppy distribution...
BoredKoi's forum posts
With a 1970's style steering knob! Would like to see it...
The description of your setup is more than adequate. There is no reason to place the unit obscenely far away from your LCD, unless someone is trying to sell you his 150' HDMI cable. The comment about sitting "as far away from the LCD as possible" is clearly stated in both Sony's hardware and most software production companies' literature. BAH...sit right up in it I say :)
DSN issues smack more of an ISP problem than your client necessarily...but offhand does your PS3 connect to the internet through a router?
Agree with the post re: HDMI vs. component (RGB) cables -- definite improvement. Between that, a PS3, one game, and sales tax -- there's your 500 bucks. If that TV doesn't have an HDMI jack, DVI is 2nd choice fallback there, just minus the audio. The component cables you describe are better than S-Video and RCA...
Sid Meier's Pirates, 2nd only to my personal fave:Swashbuckler
Now that was a good game! For its time...
Install footprints on your hardrive are at the mercy of the game developers. Minimum HD space requirements will be clearly listed on the back of the game boxes, along with things like controller support and HD output format(s). Like any other gaming platform, the trade off is speed (relatively speaking in terms of overall game flow) because the HD throughput is better than disk I/O. I've played plenty of games with a small installation requirement and have been more than happy -- and again, there are those like MGS4, LBP, GTAIV etc. where I don't mind that big footprint either. From what I've read, the home-grown HD upgrade is relatively painless, including the backup-restore of the existing drive's data. I've got an older 40GB unit myself -- and doing nothing but gaming maxed it out after about a year. I can't speak to the movie downloading / other multi-media facets as much...
If I don't get locked again by the luminaries who moderate the forums, you're probably looking for Boric Acid. Generally in a liquid form, this will take care of sweet-loving ants...they will flock to it and as you say take it back to the colony.
The new reassortant strain will share properties of both of its parental lineages.
Resident Evil to a "T"?? :roll:But seriously,the wiki itselfis pretty disturbing even minus the game reference. I'm not a big conspiracy theorist by any stretch, but I often wonder about things like this -- how natural they really are. Lots of money to be made, producing a weapon, a cure, or even better - both. Just need to test it first to appease the investors. If the CDC is puzzled, so am I!
- Dr. Anne Schuchat, interim Deputy Director for CDC Science and Public Health, said that the American cases were found to be made up of genetic elements from four different flu viruses – North American swine influenza, North American avian influenza, human influenza, and swine influenza virus typically found in Asia and Europe – "an unusually mongrelisedmix of genetic sequences."
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