I'll say it again. The graphics mods RUIN the overall look of the game. I regret modding Morrowind, and the graphics mods for Oblivion look out of place, like they don't fit with the rest of the world. I'll be playing Skyrim on my PC, "vanilla"
Bethesda goes to a lot of trouble making sure the look of the game is consistent. I stopped using almost all graphics mods a long time ago. They almost always ruin the overall look of the game.
"Despite the hardcore gamer's disdain toward its graphics," Does the author have some proof of this, or is he just making it up? It's not the graphics that are the problem - it's the microtransactions.
My neighbor's wife died about 5 years ago - he has two kids. He works two labor jobs, in the 100 degree heat, 6 days a week, and he's barely making it. These developers sit in a chair in an air conditioned building all day. Cry me a ******** river. I
From the article - "How will the games change to properly harness what the Wii U has to offer?" . . . . That's exactly what was written about the Wii, before it was released. The answer? - Games won't change, this is just another novelty that won't work as well as a standard controller, same as the Wii.
Well - I never buy a game until after it's been out a few weeks. It's the only way to be sure I want to spend my money on it. But I do remember the days when GS received their copies, a week or more before the game was released - I guess those days are gone. Too bad really, but it's the devs fault, not the fault of GS.
The current fad of - "there's no such thing as right or wrong, good or evil" - is ruining gaming. Hopefully it goes away soon. Characters are mushy, soulless shells of human beings. Oh they're violent alright - but that's about all they are.
Born_Lucky's comments