I guess someone might be stupid enough to believe that by connecting to the internet, your hardware magically becomes better, but they're probably not over the age of 10.
To further compound this embarrassment, it's also "early access", which means it's crap that they didn't bother finishing before they put it up for sale
This guy is pretending that these things are new, when the truth is, a large percentage of games have these features, and have had them for almost 20 years.
This is dishonest sophistry - the use of language to convince people there's something more here than there actually is.
This man is untrustworthy, which is probably a requirement for working at Gamespot
Seriously - pretending that "vertical movement" is something new, and using nonsense phrases like "multi level combat system. How stupid does he have to be to think people won't see through that.?
Born_Lucky's comments