- He has a bright idea
- The image is taken from one of the first issues of Nintendo Power
- The image is from Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest (one of my all-time favorite games and one of the most influential games of all time)
- The artwork is cool
- Nobody else has it
Bozanimal's forum posts
Do you think Spider-Man 3 will be any good? From the previews it looks like they're trying to cover a lot of ground in one movie between:
- The Sandman
- The black suit
- Harry Osborn
- Mary-Jane
- Gwen Stacy?
With Sam Raimi as director, I'm hopeful. But too much content can kill a great franchise (think Batman Forever and Batman & Robin, nipples on the batsuit!). I'd like to hear some thoughts.
My girl cheated on me, should I break up with her or accept her apology? she said she was sorry and stuff but I'm so confused my heart tells me not to leave herkarlgauci
It will never be the same, so DTMFA. There's 3 billion women on the planet, you'll find someone else.
Hey guys i was just wondering since its my time for a ring, but how much did you pay? I ended up gettign the cheapest one, ultrium for about 250. My thinking is that its not gonna change colors anyway, who will know the difference. And do people generally wear em in college?BAMBAMBOOKEY
I bought mine through Josten's ten years ago, then traded it in for a college ring. I didn't have to pay anything for the college ring. I wear it occassionally to job interviews and formal events.
Best timekiller I know.
I hope so. I hate Mario.Kojo222
Without Mario, Nintendo may never have caught on to the extent that it did, and we'd all be playing the 3DO. :)
thats pretty useless if you have armsKeypo
It would be pretty useless to someone without arms, too.
I was just wondering if it was possible to keep my old sound card, i think its a network card, hard drive and cd drive and put it onto a new motherboard?123456monster
PCI cards, hard drives, CD and DVD drives, peripherals, cables, and the power supply can all be ported to a new PC. You will need to check your memory type to see if it's compatible (older PC133 memory is not usually compatible with new DDR2 PCs). You processor and heatsink are also likely to have to get tossed.
You graphics card may be portable depending on if the old one is a PCI Express or AGP slot card. You'll have to check.
Keep in mind an old power supply may be insufficient for today's PC demands.
You know what? Wii Sports. There, I said it.
I can play it by myself or with others and have just as much fun. It's always challenging, and I can pick it up or put it down anytime.
Twilight Princess got repetitive for me (ironic given I just listed Wii Sports as my fave). Collect these objects, collect those objects, assemble these items; I'm tired of fixing things that have been broken into multiple pieces.
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