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BradleyPalermo Blog

Hacking Skills Improving

I don't know how many of you actually read this, so if you dislike rants about hacked pokemon you can leave if you want. for those who wan to stay I'll continue.

so as my blog title dipicts i am getting better with using pokesav and am creating hacks with normal, acceptable stats. making them fair battle OK. except for my first. THE SABLEYE. he is unbeatable unless you face him with a pokemon that also has max stats, has the ability scrappy and know powerful fighting moves. but that's unlikely.

mylatest work is a hacked metagross. he shiny and looks really cool; he's all silver, and the X across his face is gold. I won't tell u what he knows or what his ability is due to possible upcoming battles with people. HE DOES NOT HAVE WONDER GAURD. okay?

remember the regigigas? i put him in the PC and his stats reverted back to normal. so now he's okay to use. but i notticed that his atk is still 414! but his sp atk is like 212. so i made him a physical sweeper. and without his slow start, he'll start fast.

and the glalie i never told u about? he turned out terrible, so i won't even talk about it. --- and plus, the OT of these hacks are GOD, if you wan to know. that's roght, GOD. go ahead and laugh, i don't mind it at all.

and if anyone wants to battle me PM me about it, but i won't be able to battle until thursady due to a book report, a big project, and instrumental practice. well, that's all for now, peace.

New Video!


questions? want me to make u a hacked pokemon? comments?

well, that's all for now, peace.


I've been bored lately so i decided to try my hand at it. to hack pokemon games u need 2 things: an AR and POKESAV. which can be downloaded FOR FREE at then u can go on youtube or something an see a tutorial on how to use it. then put the generated code into ur AR and there's ur hack. so far I've hacked 2 pokemon

Sableye: lv100, Max stats, max contest stats, has wondergaurd, knows: shadowforce, dark pulse, spore and phycho boost

Regigigas: lv100, max stats, max contest stats, all ribbons,has no gaurd, knows: sheer cold, zap cannon, phycho boost and sacred fire

and something funny: while inputing regigigas's hack code i did it wrong and instead of giving me the UBER regigigas it gave my a poisioned BAD EGG with a ball capsule. and when i pressed summery, it froze my game. the second time i got it though.

plus, the sableye tore through battle hall in 20 minutes because the only way to defeat him is with a hacked kangaskhan that has scrappy and knows some crazy fighting moves. I havent put the regigigas up to anything yet, but I'm enjoying that his no gaurd ability makes sheer cold have --- accuracy (like swift).

they're both undefeatable, and if u think otherwise, a battle should clear things up. well, that's all for now, peace.


wtf? i opened the PM window thingy and nothing was there! it says that i have 6 unread messages but in the box it says there's nothing at all. and i DID NOT press the delete all button

EDIT: nevermind i got it sorted out

Problems Again

the voting thing isn't postponed, but when i click vote nothing happenes. and i am logged on when i do it. it happens every time! i want to vote but its not working.


i might settle for a smaller cheaper netbook. which have like 500 gigs of memory and everything is at light speed. its sounds good because I'll just use my laptop to go on gamespot and other stuff on the net like games. the net book will do everything else; limewire, GIMP, Word, and a lot of others. it may sound good but these things still come at like $500 or something. so I'm still deciding if i sould do it or not. but on another note, my 4th period class was nothing! since I had finished my blueprint (i won't bother telling u what 4) and we had a supply teacher, they let us play games on the net the whole 1 hour and 15 minutes! during that i showed some friends STICK WAR which is an awesome game. i didn't beat it there, but i have at home, it's a long strategic game. with a crazy final boss: the biggest stick guy of all time!well, that's all for now, peace.

No GIMP, No New Laptop....

crap. i tryed downloading the oldest version of GIMP avaliable. it succeded. BUT MY ****ING LAPTOP CAN'T RUN IT!!!!! and i dont know why! **kickes laptop** so no GIMP for me. and I would go get a new one, except for the fact that i cant afford one and my parents arn't willing to buy me one. this sucks.

Downloading Problems

crap. so i downloaded it, but it said it was corrupt and to get it again. and when i try the same thing happens all over again! and the mirrors dont do anything. anyone got any ideas as to how i can get gimp other then from


so I've finally gotten around to downloading it. but i just wish it would hurry up! the anticipation is building