Yes, so soon already... Since there won't be anything that will be released prior to this 30th, which is TimeShift. I don't think it's wise to conclude games like Mass Effect, Kane and Lynch, Need for Speed ProStreet, etc. Those games all ship just infront of the Christmas Season. And I personally feel, they stand no real chance to the others. In two ways, one is players are unable to get the full expirience out of them. Two is that only two months remain, and 10 months have been passed. They should be added to the best of 2008 list. In my opinion.
Starting off with number 5.
5. FORZA MOTORSPORT 2 - 29th June, 2007. - Turn 10, Microsoft Game Studios. -GS Score: 9.2, by Brian Ekberg.
This game got a 9.2 out of 10 for some reason by GameSpot, while I don't fully agree. It's one of the best simulation racers out on the market. Console wise. I personally think that Gran Turismo still has the leading torch, when it comes to Simulation Gaming. Forza 2's upgrading on alot of points where it stopped on the Xbox with Forza 1.
Customization's deeper than any other game, and also it's very user friendly. Vehicle upgrading shows alot of depth, and every tiny bit of upgrading has a major effect on your vehicle. The visual effects on e.g crashing, bumping into someone and literally scraping are nicely made. Damage looks real, but when you hit a wall at 110MPH, and your car looks intact... Well, that's a licencing thing, which is something we'll have to deal with. Engine-damage wise, this game is awesome. Simulating that, which doesn't seem hard to me, is better than any other game.
From a little steering wobble effect, to a slowdown of about 6MPH, unable to shift gears and barely capable of steering.
Soundwise, this game is terrific. In previews, they shown that they've put alot of work into the sound. Capturing over 200 crash sounds, and just about any vehicle engine.
Graphic wise, it's simply said awesome. Cars are more detailed than in any other game, the only game beating in polygons is PGR, which also has interiors. While the cars look great, the tracks do look bland. They seem rushed in the most parts, that combining with the MAJOR lack of tracks, this game seriously loses alot of variety, along with a heckload of value.
By the time you're halfway through the game, you'll have a helluva' time trying to get yourself motivated. And still while this game has a 9.2/10 by GameSpot, it isn't that good at all. Everything is simply said awsome in everyway, but the lack of valuewhich is caused by the tracks, I would say that score is overrated. I'd give it a 8.7/10.
While everything remains great, the lacking tracks is a real killer. And that explains the 5th spot for Forza Motorsport 2.
4. COMMAND AND CONQUER 3: TIBERIUM WARS. - June 8th, 2007. - EA Los Angles, Electronic Arts. - GS Score: 8.7, by Kevin VanOrd.
From what once was a true PC spirit, it now has been shared over to consoles. One of the best Real-Time-Strategy Games ever, ported to Xbox 360 format. While losing some qualities, the creators of C&C3 have managed to make one hell of a game. I personally feel, that this game along with Halo 3, they actually spend time to make it. They wanted it to be good.
And trust me, it seems like they've managed to kill an taboo. They've managed to put a quality RTS game on consoles. With quality I mean, it's really good. Without a mouse and keyboard, it always seemed like it was impossible. The guys at EA:LA. They managed to do that what was ment to be impossible. To create a good RTS, that only requires about five main buttons to play in a whole.
The game has been set off in 2047. At that time, in the C&C universe, the planet has been contaminated with a highly lethal source called "Tiberium". While profittable, it's toxic to any human being. A third Tiberium War has been set in motion.
While the game has tricky commands, like pulling the RT Button, and navigating through several menus just to build one thing. That's all a matter of time, it's a matter of learning. Then, you'll use them commands like a charm. The game's action is varied, and you'll have tons of options to use to attack the enemy. While it still uses it's ****c formula of "Build a base, settle a finance source, build defences and strike", it's upgraded in tons of ways.
There are three storylines. All following the same war, but from different points of view. Which gives anyone an insight on what happens on each force while one fight is being faught. Betrayal, desperate times, thing like those are oftenly seen. The game again focuses on the two major factions; GDI and Nod. Kane's BAAACK. Not with a vegence, with his always remaining sense of crankyness.
The game now also has a third faction called "The Scrin". And alien source from outerspace, attracted to any kind of Tiberium. And since earth has been infested with it, they head for the planet.
While the game has a lengthy storyline, a good set of characters, nicely made controls and various schemes. There's tons of things that plague this game.
For instance, thanks to the limited power of the X360 console, the graphics are toned down, the framerate drops to a standstill now and then and the game's loading and saving times litterally take minutes. Some gameplay plagues also affect the game; Scrin is by far overpowered. The online never been filled with players and always hangs around a max of 350 players online at the time. The "Rush" attack has been overdone, and some parts of the game can be just too frustrating for words.
All in all, this game shouldn't be bought when you have a high end PC. For the same money, you simply buy the PC version and get better graphics, steady frame rate, online and various tool kits that are PC only. That's the main reason why this game is a black sheep. If you're a RTS fan, and have no high-end(and I really mean HIGH HIGH end) PC, you're free to buy it.
I'm only doing number five and four now... Cause, well this blog REALLY would get long if I do all five, or atleast four. Two this time, the three others tomorrow. And I'll spoil half of it; BioShock will be there.
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