He kind of circles the bowl, but never quite flushes when it comes to every single one of his thoughts.
I really, REALLY have tried to open my objectivity floodgates to see what everybody else sees and appreciate the points this guy is trying make... if there were any.
I'm actually looking forward to The Witness and I'll give it it's fair shake, but his views on Japanese games (if I have them correct) have been off putting to me. If you look to what Kojima has always done and what Platinum is currently doing; when you see titles like Demon's Souls, The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles, Ni no Kuni and Dragon's Dogma coming west and finding popularity, I really think it speaks to a current renaissance in Japanese game design and an effort to break out of their perceived rut.
Maybe I'm too old and east coast to "get" the guy, but I'm more sold on his ambition and self promotion than his so-called genius.
Does $789,000,000,000,000,000 in sales for the only untapped open-world venue in the most under served entertainment genre - including film, TV AND video games -- sound like reason enough?
Fire Fly went for fourteen episodes almost nine years ago and people still won't shut up about it. Rocket science isn't rocket science, guys. Make the damned game already.
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