Overrated: No More Heroes (it's not a bad game, but it shouldn't have gotten Wii game of the year. That title belonged to Brawl.)
Underrated: Red Steel (not nearly as bad as people claim it to be.)
Please don't flame me guys, I know you must be boiling mad right now, but please try to restrain yourselves from making insults. Let's try to keep this thread peaceful.
Nintendo has already said that customers WILL know something in Summer 2009. But that's just talking about the E3 presentation. When do you think the actual game will be released?
Sorry about the typo guys, I meant the Nintendo MAGAZINE said that. Once again, sorry.
Nintendo has already said that customers WILL know something in Summer 2009. But that's just talking about the E3 presentation. When do you think the actual game will be released?
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