I just beat Elite Beat Agents on Hard ROCK! mode this week and unlocked *spoilers!* Commander Kahn! *end of spoilers* I just got my first S-rank in Hard ROCK! mode on Y.M.C.A. I'll be humming that tune in my head all week at school now...
Breloom Blog
I'm mad at GameStop!
by Breloom on Comments
GameStop had a Wii you were allowed to play this Sunday, and I lined up to play it. After waiting for 30 minutes the guy in front of me took the Wii-mote up to the front desk and left. I asked if I could play and the guy says, "Uhh... you need to give me your driver's liscense before you can play it." I don't have a driver's liscense! I just had to watch 16+ year old people enjoy Excite Truck (who, by the way, weren't good at it.) While I was there, I at least was old enough to buy a used copy of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon for 10 dollars.
The Pokemon League Union
by Breloom on Comments
This union is so cool! It's updated like everyday, and is the fastest growing pokemon union around! Go check it out!!
Elite Beat Agents!
by Breloom on Comments
I have been so hyped about this game... and its finally here! I am so addicted... right now I'm stranded without my charger and my DS is dead... Dang it! I was this close to clearing Canned Heat in Sweatin' mode!
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