Check out how popular Halo is in general. It has all ten spots on IGN's most popular part. Wowo.
I love Halo's art, and graphics. I think more peope might consider your opinion more if you used better grammar, and english constants. I doubt anything in Halo 3 will look like Halo:CE in terms of graphics.
Nice post, I totally agree. I love matchmaking over hosting games. It keeps things simple, and there isn't a destinctive host advantage. Forge is going to add limitless hours of gameplay, and I guarantee there will be some amazing gametypes. There is such a big fanbase that there is going to be some really original games. 5 more days!! Woot!
I appeals to both casual and hardcore gamers. There is so much custimization that the hardcore players will get to do whatever they want, but the casual players will also just jump right in. This is part of the reason why it sells so much. Bungie Studios are really genius when you think about it.
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