@johnny_pay: Fun Fact! Kinder Eggs are in fact illegal in the US, though not because of gambling. Mostly because our children are too stupid to not eat plastic toys.
People think putting CGI people next to real people works, and it doesn't (Rogue One). It never will. Adding in the jumbo eyes just makes it 10 times worse. This trailer looked terrible. There's just no way I could sit through the movie and not be distracted the whole time and wondering why they made such a stupid decision.
Like, if it was ALL CGI, then it'd be fine! But CGI people and real people will never look right.
I have the first on 360, and the 1-2 bundle on Wii U, but I might pick this up as well. I'm happy to see these games get more exposure. But the real news here is BAYONETTA 3! Day. One. Purchase.
I find it easy to avoid all this by just not playing those games. There are plenty of others out there. As far as "protecting the children" or whatever, I do think games that tie progression towards spending money and hoping you get what you need should be all rated M.
Brettsky128's comments