He makes some good goddamn points. I have to goddamn agree with the guy. I mean, I goddamn love Nintendo, but they do need to be a bit more gaddamn supportive of third party devs. Hopefully the goodam NX is better than the gundam Wii U. I mean, the Wii U was goddim OK, but the gaddum NX needs to be better. Goddamn.
Hopefully they'll finally say whether or not they're doing Pokemon Z. I wanna replay through gen 6, but I don't want to start a playthrough if Z is coming soon.
This is the way it should be, for games and movies. I don't think anything should be announced more than a year away from release, unless they have plans to keep information coming in steadily. The way they did Fallout 4 was perfect, it gave you enough time to get excited, but not too much time to lose interest.
I always find it amusing and aggravating that big companies always blame their troubles on everything but what the obvious thing is. People lost interest. And blaming Star Wars doesn't even make sense. Your movie came first. Oh well, I wonder how they'll try to explain decreased sales when they make their prequels or whatever spinoffs they are planning.
Brettsky128's comments