It's surprising, but very awesome that the Wii U community seems so positive. It's a nice change of pace know...literally everywhere else. I'm very happy to have a Wii U, and I'm very optimistic about its future.
I'm about a couple hours away from Pittsburgh, but I would make the drive for this. I'll be keeping up with this story, and I'd really like to see this turn into a success. Don't ever give up on your passions, no matter how much opposition you face.
The fact is, men are better at writing men, and women are better at writing women. The solution is having more women write stories in games. And both genders are "oversexualized" in games. Sure, the average woman may not look like Lara Croft, but the average guy doesn't look like Marcus Fenix or Kratos.
I've noticed E3 not meaning very much to many developers in the past few years. Almost every developer there I see gets asked "So, what can you tell us about the game?" with their response being along the lines of "Nothing, we're revealing it next month during some other thing". E3 is supposed to be THE gaming show, but it really isn't anymore, it's just one of many. Although, it'd still be a dream to go to.
I'm gonna try to use the term "amazeballs" at least once a day. Also, although it's too late to help, I'll definitely be purchasing this game. Demo was decent, but it's tough dropping $60 on "decent".
Brettsky128's comments