For the main stream games yes. Go take a dive into the seeder parts of the internet and you find alot of games. Come to think of it alot of them come from Asia to.
This may of failed but I remember hearing about something for kinect a while back and its sex whatever game.
@aminal85 I never cared for 4 was more tempted to go play San Andreas again didnt feel like I was running around killing people all the time playing it. Online was really good did enjoy that.
I didnt pickup lollipop Chainsaw because of the price wasnt going to spend $60 on a game that was short. Will be picking it up when it drops to 20 or 30.
I would say yes but the Ps2 sell alot of games and console even after what is it 10 years sense the console launched. And you can still buy a new console for a hundred bucks.
Briantb_2008's comments