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Bright_Eyes_05 Blog

What a day!

This is going to be very short as I'm very tired and I don't yet like the new layout of this site :P I couldn't let the day go by without announcing that today September 19th is David McCallum's birthday!!!! :D


The role I love him for atm is Ducky the medical examiner on NCIS :D


It's also my niece and nephew's B'day :D I can't understand why they aren't as excited as me that they share their B'day with David :lol::P

It's also the day I got to see the first ep of S4 of Supernatural "Lazarus Rising" I hope I spelt that right, I'm too tired to check.

So all in all it's been a great day :D


Go Now, Find The Light.

Mark banner

Depression claimed yet another life 2 weeks ago Wednesday 27th of August when Aussie actor Mark Priestley took his own life :cry: Mark was working on the Aussie medical drama All Saints which is my fave Aussie show. It's right up there with Supernatural and NCIS for me – my all time fave shows. It was a big shock when I found out, I loved his character on AS. I still can't believe it, he apparently filmed 11 eps b4 his death. It's weird seeing him on screen in new eps but knowing he's no longer with us. 2 of those eps have already aired, the first a week ago ended with a tribute. Another actor from the show John Howard did a small tribute to Mark at the end of the first ep. It was a beautiful tribute but so sad – I don't think there was a dry eye from any fan who saw it. It didn't help that as John spoke, the pain and sorrow was so evident on his face and in his voice – it's so upsetting. Then they showed a few clips of Marks time on AS – it was supposed to be about his 4yrs with the show but it only seemed to be from eps that aired this year. There may have been one or two that were from other yrs.

Here's the link to the tribute if you want to see it…

All Saints remembers Mark Priestley

Mark smiling

It's the 2nd death of a Perth-born actor (Heath Ledger being the first) this year. Not that that means anything, I just can't help but notice it :P Also the day of Marks funeral September 4th was the anniversary of Steve Irwins death.

Since Marks death there's all these comments and posts of all these ppl mentioning their own fight with depression. Is everyone utterly miserable?! It sure feels that way. Some of the depth of Marks depression was revealed in the following article…

"It emerged Priestley suffered deep depression for months but was unable to beat the personal demons which led him to end his own life this week. The 32-year-old was unable to work on some days and production was re-scheduled around his illness to accommodate him in the hope he would recuperate. Family, friends, colleagues and his Seven network employer were aware and supportive of him during the bleak periods, a colleague said yesterday."

He was apparently getting treatment but obviously it wasn't working or wasn't enough. This apparently wasn't his first suicide attempt. A friend of mine is suffering from a deep depression and is getting treatment for it but I still worry.

A close family friend committed suicide and the anniversary of their death is this month. I would have been thinking about the person anyway but Marks death is bringing it all back. It's also making me think of Michael Gilden a US actor who had a guest role on NCIS around the time he committed suicide. 2 out of my 3 fave shows has had someone take their own life…this is going to sound silly but is anyone keeping an eye on those that work on Supernatural? :?:P

Closer to home for me, last Friday night I found out a family friend had committed suicide :cry:...It's only sort of hitting me now.

This is my 100th blog – it's taken me long enough to get here :P

My thoughts are still with Mark's family, friends, cast and crew of All Saints and his fans. RIP Mark :cry: Goodbye Mark, may you have found the peace you were after.

Here are some tribute fan vids of mark…

Remember Me

Wasn't It Good

A little clip from the show...

The Dan and Ricki show

A clip from Mark's funeral of his former girlfriends speech...

Mark's farewell

The episode that aired this week was a little weird at first. They had a lady come into the ED - suspected suicide attempt. They were talking about how depressed ppl can't always talk about it or something. straight after that it jumps to Mark's character Dan. I know that ep was filmed weeks ago but it was kinda strange...



Mark Harmon's day :D

Spring Hello

It's Mark Harmon's B'day today 2nd September :D so...



Atm he's on NCIS but I read in one of the Supernatural mags that I think Kim Manners has worked with Mark b4 and would love to have him on the show for a few eps or something. Give Mark a break so he can go on Supernatural please!! :P I'd love to see someone from NCIS go on SPN or vice versa :D He also wants Bruce Campell (sp) from Burn Notice but again, too busy on another show :P Kim needs to get in quicker with the actors :P



Is finally here!!!! I have never been so happy to see the end of winter, one of the coldest for over 60yrs apparently. We broke records on the low temps in various places but at least it meant a really good snow season I guess. Not that it matters to me coz I didn't get to see the snow!! :P It snowed on the mountain near here which I don't think it's EVER done. I was all ready to go and see it but apparently there wasn't much, not enough to warrant a drive in the horrible conditions. I hope I get to see snow one day (other than on TV) That's right, I've NEVER seen snow :P Oh well, I hate the cold so it doesn't matter. Spring isn't that good coz although we've had 2 nice warm days, it's going to go back to freezing tomorrow apparently. I'll be happy when the overnight temps stay in the double digits :P

I'm counting down to summer :P unless spring wants to give me a few 25-30c degree days :P Spring smells good though with all the flowers in bloom :D Also baby animals :D My birds are laying eggs but I'm not sure if too many will hatch :?

Spring pic

Yesterday 1st September was apparently national Wattle day here in Aus...I had no idea :lol::P but I do love the smell of Wattle :D


A shorter blog than I would like to have done but I'm house/pet sitting all this week with no internet access at the house :( I'm grabbing some net time while I'm at home taking care of my own pets. So I may not be on here much this week (not that I've been on here much lately anway :P)

16 days until S4 of Supernatural!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Jared Padalecki Fans This Way...

First off...


Jared JP

HB To one of the Stars of the best TV shows around :P:D

I hope you have an awesome day! :D (I know he won't ever read this but anyway :P)

I hope he is able to spend the day with family and friends :)

Jared apparently likes cookie dough ice cream CDIC I went one better and found this...

CDICC - Cookie dough ice cream cake :P A little too much perhaps but it's not real so it doesn't matter :lol:

He also apparently really likes white choc macadamia nut cookies - yum :D


Candy, lots of candyHelp yourself to the goodies:D



*lots of squishy birthday hugs*

line of starsline of stars

Now...finally onto my account of meeting Jared :D

On the 21st of June 2008 I went to Supanova – pop culture expo in Sydney. I went with Suze (Julsus) and her sis Julie. I had never met either of them b4 but I "met" Suze thru this site. Thank you Suze for helping to make the weekend so awesome :D

A link to Suze's blog (Julsus) who also wrote about this encounter but I'm sure you've all read it.

The signing on Saturday...

SS1 This pic is a screen cap from my video of the signing on Sat. It turned out better than the pics from my still camera :lol::P


I was calmer than I thought I would be – reports of Jared's calming influence were correct. My hands did get a bit shaky when we were lining up for the autograph :P but once I got to him I calmed down. He asked us where we were from "where y'all guys from? Are y'all from Sydney?" I couldn't talk – thankfully Suze was there and did the talking for me :P Thank you Suze :D

I was wearing my Sam Winchester T-shirt from tvmerch. When he got to me he said "I like your shirt" (I don't know why but I wasn't expecting him to comment on it :P) All I could think of was the fact he had already seen the shirt when Jensen wore it at the Chicago con. I didn't say anything (I don't think I did anyway) I just smiled at him :P

I got him to sign my SPN calendar which I wasn't sure about but thanks again to Suze who said I should get it signed so I did (I wouldn't have got it signed if I was there by myself so thanks Suze :D) He asked where to sign it (over the pic of the boys or on the white calendar part) Then he started to tell me about him filming that ep with a broken wrist. I said something stupid like, yeah I knew that or I heard about that. I had things I wanted to ask him about it but do you think I could remember any of them??? I may have been calm but my brain was total mush :lol: I wish I had of just let him tell the story coz that ended that conversation. He signed the calendar and said "I'll put a mark on today's date" or something like that (which you can see in the pic below)

He than thanked us, saying something like "we work long hours and it's great to see the fans come all this way to see us" I can't remember what he said but it was something along those lines. He said something similar at the end of the Q&A so he says it a lot. Jared, there's no need to keep thanking us, we thank you more than you'll ever know :P I thanked him and left the signing area.

After getting our autograph we joined the masses of fans to the side of the signing area taking photos and video of Jared signing and giving out many hugs and taking ph calls from fans which he never said no to. Then wishing I had the guts to ask him for a hug. I have video footage of some of the Sat signing which I am in the process of uploading to youtube.

My signed goodies...

Signed calendar signed shirt


Yay, the 40's chick (our nickname for her :P) is blurry but Jared shines through nice and clear :lol::P:D


Saturday Photo Op...

We were pretty close to the front of the line on Sat and for some reason this was the first time in my life that I didn't care about having to queue for hours on end :P It was more than worth it :D Also I had ppl to talk to which helps :) Where we were we could see behind the temp wall they had up. I kept looking behind the wall in the hope of catching a glimpse of Jared. After a while I saw Jared heading towards the photo booth area. He was on the phone (we're thinking possibly talking to Jensen ;) ) So we stood there and watched him talk on the phone then he went in and the seemingly endless photos started :P The man really was a trooper, so many autographs and photos – I don't know how he did it.

Suze and her sis went in for their individual photos and we had told them that we were having a group photo. The security guard then tried to get us to do the group pic and then my individual after but we didn't do as he wanted :lol: I got my individual and then we did the group pic which you can see Jared's face for the group pic on Suze's blog.

I walked in and I don't remember if Jared said hi but he probably did. What I do remember is this…Jared "Do you want to stand on the stool so you can be taller than your friends" I didn't even know there was a stool for vertically challenged ppl like myself :lol::P My brain was still mush and just being in Jared's presence was enough but to have him talking to me!! :P Anyway, my reply was something like "I don't mind, whatever" :P Then he says "You don't have to if you don't want to" but I ended up saying yes to standing on the stool, not quite sure how I was able to make a decision but I'm glad I did. It meant I was closer to his face which he put against mine (well my hair :P)

When I stood on the stool he pulled me in tight which took me by surprise, but it was great :D Jared is so strong! I remember thinking - this is Jared!! :D :lol: I still couldn't believe I was so close to him! So I was grinning like an idiot for the first pic :P

Afterwards he kicked the stool out of the way but kicked it so hard it nearly hit the camera guy I think it was :lol: He apologised for that but it didn't actually hit anyone.

Sat Pic Love the scruffy look on Jared :D

On the Sat night he went to a rugby league game!! Yay :D:P I wish I could have known about that b4 and I wish it was a Knights game but oh well. I'm just thankful it wasn't an AFL game :P (ducks to avoid things thrown from AFL fans :lol: )

Sunday Signing...

The organizers had learnt from the day b4 and Jared now not only had his own line for the actual autograph. There was a separate table to purchase the autograph and photo tickets for Jared :lol: We got our tickets fairly quickly which was lucky coz there seemed to be more ppl on the Sunday.

This time we were further down the line for the auto and they were asking for ppl who wanted Jewel's auto. They then took them out of the line and put them in the other line for Jewel than brought them back to "the Jared line" It cracks me up he had his own line and table :P

The stall next to the signing area was the JB HI FI stall. Someone from there noticing all us poor dedicated fans having to wait for hours to have a brief moment with Jared. He got together a bag of chocolate goodies and was offering them to anyone in line who wanted one. Glad to know someone was thinking of us all – we were all great full for the sugar hit :P

We finally get to Jared, this time I got him to sign my Sammy shirt, I had a pen for writing on clothing and asked him if he could use it. B4 that I remember going on about how he will have touched my pen :P Poor Suze had to listen to my crazyness. Anyway, the whole brain turning to fan girl mush syndrome was back and I forgot to get my pen back :lol:

The highlight of this part was Jared remembering us from the day before :D:D:D:D:P I can't remember what he said, I wish I could but I can't. After he signed my shirt, I said "thank you so much" I remember looking back to watch him as I walked away (gotta soak up all the Jared goodness you possibly can :P) I'm glad I did coz he then winked at us :D Of course he winked at lots of ppl but that doesn't enter into your thoughts when he's winking at you *sigh* It doesn't matter how many autographs he signed or how many photos he posed for, he can somehow keep up the enthusiasm and make all the fans feel special :D

There was a guy there who had fake, spray on tattoos – there was of course a Supernatural tat. Suze had an idea for us to get the SPN tat and then show the tat in the group pic. Our tribute to the ep Jus In Bello :P where we see the boys show off their protection tatts. We almost chickened out on getting the tat but Suze was braver than her sis and I and went and got it done. So then we got it done and I'm so glad we did, I would have been kicking myself if we didn't go thru with it so thanks again Suze :D

The tattoo guy was saying he was going to try and get Jared over and get the SPN tat (I really wish he could of, I would have loved to have a video and pics of that :P Also maybe then we could have told him about our idea and maybe he could have done the same?? A girl can dream can't she :P During Jared's break he was having that ch 10 interview done so no time for the tat :cry::P

SS5 A little blury I know but I only have 2 pics from the Sun signing :( The other one is from a distance and has fans blocking the wonderful Jared view :P

The Q&A...


What can I say about the Q&A that you wouldn't have gotten from the many videos of it? Not much except I'm jealous of the girl that asked for the hug :P I'm still kicking myself for chickening out on asking him for a hug the whole weekend, I need a Jared hug :(:P






Sunday Photo Op...

Everyone ran from the Q&A to the queuing area for the photo op :P We were a lot further down the line this time and there were more VIP ppl that got to go first this time. When we got to the line, we didn't even notice Jared walking past us all :shock: Suze spotted him but he had already walked past so we watched him walk out of sight :P I can't believe we didn't notice him walking right past us :P

We had to wait a long time this time. Again I didn't care, I was just worried we wouldn't get our pic with Jared. Sunday I was wearing my Winchester demon tour shirt, I saw a few other ppl wearing it too. There were a lot of Dean shirts and I was like come on, it's Sammy here, not Dean :lol::P

From time to time ppl would read the back of my shirt (which had all the demons listed and what town they were in at the time). I heard some of them, some I didn't notice they were reading it until someone told me. I remember some of them trying to remember what ep went with each demon.

When it finally got to our turn for photos, I went in first for my individual and the security guard was really pushy. He pushed me into the photo booth before the girl getting her pic taken was even out of the booth! When the other girl left Jared said to me "Good to see you again" I wasn't expecting more than "hi" and I had been too busy trying to decide whether I should ask him for a hug or not. Fan girl brain was still there also so once again I said nothing and just smiled at him :lol: He must have thought I was very strange, rude or I don't know what! :P I stood on the stool again to get as close to Jared as possible :P I was so busy soaking up the moment that I almost forgot to smile :lol: I breathed in his scent and he smelt good :lol: Again they tried to dictate our pic order but again we didn't do what they wanted :P The first group pic was the one showing off our JIB tatts :P Jared was quite surprised by this and was like whoa :lol: I don't think he'll forget us in a hurry :P The next group pic we wanted to ask him if he would do what Suze has dubbed the "heartbreak Sammy face" I thought this is it we have to say something. I quickly said "Can you do the heartbreak Sammy face for this pic?" (maybe he's now thinking, she speaks :P)He didn't have a clue what we were talking about :lol::P We tried to explain it as best we could in the little amount of time we had. He had a go and for that I thank him, yet again :D It turned out pretty good I think even if it wasn't completely the heartbreak face, it still looks good. (see Suze – Julsus's blog for the pic of his faces in the group pics)

After our pics, we hung around outside the photo booth with the many other fans and watched the rest of the pics being taken :P There were pics taken and I'm hoping video coz of after the photos were over. As he was leaving he kept saying thank you and waving and blew quite a few kisses to the crowd of fans *melts* :D I just stood there watching him, I tried to take a photo but it's really blurry :( I wish I had of videoed it coz I can't find a video of that anywhere. If anyone has seen it, knows where there is some video of it can you please let me know???

Sun Pic No more stubble for Jared :cry::P

I know this blog is long but once I started making points of what I could remember from the weekend, I kept remembering more :P

I'm so happy about the whole weekend, I had the best time Thanks to Jared of course and Suze :D:D

Jared is so wonderful :D I had heard great things about him and Jensen but to actually see him in person, to be there and experience for yourself how wonderful he is and the photos…an amazing experience that I want again :P He acknowledged the fans outside the photo booth all the time. Between photos he would look out into the crowd and wave or wink and smile, he was always smiling :D So wonderful *sigh* I don't think I could ever thank Jared enough for coming over here :D Esp on such short notice and so close to him going back to work.





Oh Jared!! JP


A Special Birthday Blog

For a very special person...Tammy :D

Happy Birthday Tammy!!!! (July 15th)

B'day butterfly BD1

BD2 BD dog

BD cakeHonest :lol: BD

BD Nah, you can have the cake, here it is...

BDC awww :P BDC

Or maybe you'd prefer this one...


Now for a little purple and maybe a unicorn or two :D

Purple Uni Pur

Purple Uni

Pur Uni HBP



Tammy, thanks for being the wonderful person that you are. I hope you have the most awesome birthday ever! :D

I'm not too good with words hence the many, many pics :P

Here's some purpley B'day huggy goodness for you :D

Pur Hugs

Pur Hugs1

Pur Hugs2

Smiley B'day

Mini Bledisloe Blog

I didn't want to write a blog so soon, I wanted MW's B'day blog to have a little more time in the lime light :P I have a few blogs I want to write in a short amount of time so it's just the way things are atm.

In 2 weeks Australia and New Zealand will fight it out in a game of rugby union in Sydney. Part of the tri nations - South Africa - the Springboks being the other team playing for the cup. The Wallabies V's the All Blacks - should be a great game. It's at ANZ stadium (is that the one Jared watched a rugby league game at when he was here?) Anyway, each year they apparently pick a union team to put on a display - play a game on the field during half time.

This year they picked my nephews under 8's team!! :D Exciting stuff for our family. The coach is unavailable (and not happy about missing out) and my brother-in-law has been coaching the team. So of course he gets to go and is no doubt very happy about being able to be there and so close to the action (he's a Kiwi and will be supporting the All Blacks :P) My dad is a union fan as well and is possibly going to go as an "assistant" :P

We're waiting to find out if they have some tickets set aside that we can buy. I'm a rugby league fan but I do like union as well, I love going to the footy :D:P and I'll get to watch my nephew play on the big field in which he and all the other of his team mates will look tiny on that field :P So I may be going to Sydney again and as great as it will be, I am still wishing it was to go see Jared again :P I can't help it. if it was to see Jared again then it would also mean that I would get to see Suze again and that would be great :D

Ok, back to the footy (That weekend in June was the best and it's going to take me a while to get over it so bear with me while I keep bringing it up and going on about it in every blog I write :P)

My nephew wasn't as excited as the rest of us when we found out about it :P He thought it was happening that weekend so I guess he'll be excited when he's actually there. He's been to a live game b4 and he loved it so it probably just hasn't sunk in yet, he is only 7 :P

Rugby match

Wallabies logo V's All Blacks logo Sat 26th July 2008

South Africa logo


Big Birthday Celebration

Today (8th July) is Michael Weatherly's birthday :D It's the big 4-0!!!! He sure doesn't look it to me :P:D:D:D:D

For those that might not know who I'm talking about, Michael is currently playing Tony on NCIS He was also on Dark Angel (with Jensen who also had a milestone B'day this year :P) He was on many other things but this isn't a blog to list all his roles :P

So Happy Birthday to Michael!! :D:D:D:D I wonder if the NCIS cast are going to help him celebrate. What a party that would be :D


Now I don't know what else to write :lol:

I had a better blog than this planned but the hard drive on my laptop has crashed so I have to use someone elses comp that doesn't have all my MW pics on it :(

I hope he has a awesome birthday and a great year :D:D:D:D



MW6 MW7 MW8 I had to add this one :P 3 great ppl that will most probably help him celebrate this milestone B'day :D

MW9 MW10 MW11

One thing though, whatever happened to the movie he did that he had his hair lightened for (like in the above pic where he's leaning on the rock). I think it was called "Solar Drive"??? All we got was one small article on it and then nothing like it was all a big joke or something. It sounded really good too. Oh well, I guess I've got that other one to look forward to that I can't remember the title :P I just remember an interview where he said they spent 3 days filming a fight scene. He said if they took that long to film a fight scene on NCIS someone would be fired :P


Edit: Why Do You Want To Meet Jared Padalecki?

That's the question you have to answer in 25 words or less to enter the competition to meet Jared! It closes 12pm AEST Thursday (in the terms and conditions they said Thursday 18th - go ch10! :roll::P) You have to be able to get to somewhere in Sydney in time to meet him Friday 20th (not the 19th ch 10)!! Talk about short notice! What happened to some time next week?!?! False advertising anyone?? :lol:

I think they want the most creative answer but really, how can you be creative in 25 words or less?? I'm struggling :P I'm not the most creative person with words. Maybe something along the lines of their "I believe" promos...idk I need to do this b4 I go to sleep (it's already 1am) I don't think I'd get up in time to do it b4 work and I won't have access to the internet at work :(

*End of edit...

They haven't said what it is but there is going to be a competition to meet the all wonderful Jared Padalecki!!!! :D:D:D:D

Here's the catch...If you won, you'd have to be able to get yourself to some location in Sydney sometime next week :P

Channel 10 is running the comp and so organising the meet and all that so...I won't comment on that :lol: I can't, they're finally doing something nice! :P

There is a post that then says it's for Jensen but I think that was a typo coz Jared will be in Aus this weekend and I haven't heard anything about Jensen. So a few ppl have gotten understandably confused coz we're still waiting to hear back from the organisers to find out how to enter the comp.

They're saying comp will only be open 2-3 days so gotta keep an eye on the forum thread about it.

Here's the link if you wanna check it out :D

Ten forums I don't think it takes you to the comp thread - more the main forum page. If you click on the link, Supernatural is at the very bottom :evil: I'll post the first post for those that don't want to click on the link.

"Hi guys,

We're in the process of organising a competition where you will be able to win the chance to meet Jared.

You will have to be able to make your own way to a location in Sydney on a designated day next week. Once we have confirmed the day and location we'll start the competition.

Apologies to people outside of NSW but this is the best we could do.

The competition probably won't be open for long (probably 2 or 3 days), so keep checking back to see when it's available. Also spread the word to those who would be interested in this.

Also we unfortunately can't accept gifts for Jared this time. We only have limited access to Jared and thought that you guys would appreciate the chance to meet him in person more than us giving him your gifts.


Now for the pic goodies :D

Smiley JPJP BaseballJP1


Surely the bath one is a manip??? If not, when did he do that photoshoot? :P

Dirty JPCowboy JPSitting JPHot

To be a towelMcFoggyJP collection

Eated Cookie1Eated Cookie2

:lol: I love those cookie ones

JP Alone IconPoor Sammy :cry:


Oh what a number!!!

I'm talking about 13 and more specifically when it falls on a Friday such as today (or yesterday for me now...just :P)

I love Friday the 13th :P:D I did a Friday the 13th blog last time such a day occured so this one won't be all about the date but I had to mention it.

So happy Friday the 13th everyone :P:D

Today was fairly normal until a knock at the door...then it was great :lol::D

The postman was at the door with my ticket to Supanova in Sydney where I'm going to get to meet Jared Padalecki!!!! :D:D:D:D

It's not going to feel real until I actually see him but I'm still really excited and a little nervous about meeting him :P (I will add JP pics later today as it's late and I'm really tired and I don't have many in my PB account atm)

I'm taking my video and still camera so hopefully I will have lots of Jared goodness to share when I get back :D (as long as my brain doesn't turn to fangirl mush :P)

I also get to meet Suze (Julsus) so it's going to be an awesome weekend :D:D:D:D

Someone from ch10 is going to be asking Jared Q's sent in by fans from the forum on the ten site like they did with Jensen when he was over here so that will be good. I wish Jared had time to go on Rove or Good News Week. Most ppl will want him on Rove and I do too but I love GNW and I would love to see Jared as a panelist on it - he would make it 10x funnier and I think he would have a great time.

I don't know who has seen this LJ site or not but if you haven't, you've got to check it out it's so funny...

The Giant Pada-Sloth :lol: Where can I get me one?? I'll need an Ackles as well for him to hang off :P

PB hasn't been co-operating, it wouldn't let me sign in but it finally has so I'm back to post some Jared pic goodness...

J-pad DreamingWant J-PadJ-Pad smile

Grace SammyJ-Pad Smile1Death by J-Pad

More smilesLotsa smiles






A Double Celebration

May 13th - As most of you probably know by now today is Suze (Julsus) and La (La_Survive)s Birthday :D:D Two great Aussie Gals, here's to you both :D:D

Happy Birthday Balloons1

BD cake1 BD cake2

I hope both of you had the best day with lots of cake and pressies :D:D

PB wouldn't let me sign in today :cry::P while waiting for it behave, I went a little overboard on the B'day pics :lol:

BD Cat BD Dog

BD Wishes Including those that involve Jensen, Suze ;)

Garfield :lol: I love Garfield :P

yet more balloons present

I had this little B'day poem type thing that I wanted to put in here also to break up the pics a bit but do you think I could find it?! :P

Now for a little Jensen :D

Serious Jensen Jensen again yet more Jensen

Smiley Jensen yep, Jensen smile

oh Jensen

carried away, say what? :lol: I like Jensen too :P

a little chocolate a little more - a little chocolate :P:D

One Last Thing
