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Broomfleet Blog

Daily Life and Avatar... :D

Summer school was really funny, today.... we made many jokes, especially the teacher: He says that Math is more important that Science because Math is Accurate and Science is not.. He says that in a few hundred years, they will past out new information and everything they taught us now is wrong... :( (I know this did not make sense to you... :( ) Anywho, rumors say that Nick will air new episodes of Avatar in September and not in January... Yayness..!! :D I hope this is true because I can't stand living without new episodes of Avatar... My home life has been okay... We watched movies, Avatar, etc... I also cooked my own twisted Salad with Rice and cookies and it tasted awesome.... for me anyways :P ...

Harry Potter and the half Blood Prince...!!

OMG...!! The book is finally here... I have been counting since October... I loved this book but the third book is still my favorite....I hated the ending though... I cannot believe Snape killed Dumbledore... Snape is not my favorite character though... Harry Potter 1) I loved the movie....But the book was better because the movie left out some important details and was added on later.. 2) Chamber of secrets is my least favorite out of the series because I did not enjoy it as much... 3) This is my favorite book out of the series because Sirius Black was introduced and so far he has been my favorite Character... I like the plot of this book... It is also funny :D 4) This is my second favorite book out of the whole series... This one has a lot of action and adventure.... 5) Order of the Pheonix was the second worst book because my favorite character, Sirius Black died and I was very depressed and sad... :cry: 6) This book is also good... I finished reading it in 2 days because it was so exciting.... All I can say is J.K. Rowling is killing people

Summer Classes

I thought summer classes were fun but then when I returned home I realized that 5 hours of math is not good for your brain... its malfunctioning. My mother also fractured her finger today.. It looks very painful. I also watched "Ella Enchanted" for the first time on TV... Its good.. all the magical creatures..yeah.. I also got Tamagotchi, an electrical pet.. you have to take care of it, feed it, etc. If you don't they die...

Boring... -_-'

Today, was pretty boring...I watched TV all day... I saw new episodes of Transformers Cybertron, Teen Titans, Naturally Sadie and Zatchbell. On the other hand, today I turned to a Sweat Hog - Level 2...

A very Special day

Well, today is a very special day because it's Canada day and we watched Madagascar. It was hilarious. The penguins were my favorite. Madagascar Movie Information This movie was mostly about 4 animal friends: Marty, the Zebra Marvin, the Giraffe Alex, the Lion Gloria, the Hippo. It was Marty's 10 birthday and his greatest wish was to go to the wild. Everyone disliked his wish. They thought that the zoo was a better place because they give you food, take care of you, etc. At night, Marty escaped the zoo. Later, his friends followed him too and got caught by the animal control.. Because of their unusual behaviour, they were sent to another zoo who can tame them better...The penguins however, also wanted to escape the zoo, they wanted to go to Antartica... Unfortunately, they were on the same ship as the other 4 animals.. The peguins messed up with the controls and all four animals were dumped into the ocean.... The next thing they found out was that they were in an unknown island and Marty loved it because of the wild, but Alex was frustrated. He hated the wild... So, he made signals so that the ship would spot them and take them back to the zoo... Marty, was having an easy life... He built a house, cooked food, etc. Gloria and Marvin also lived with him... Meanwhile, the peguins have suceeded and reached to their destination... It was different from what was expected.... It was cold and snowy.. They didn't like that environment at all.. Anywho, I can't give out the ending... But I can tell you that they have to work together and survive the wilderness all by themselves...

Last day of school

Finally, the day has come... SUMMER VACATION..!!! I got my report card and rushed out the school doors to meet my friends and say goodbye... Now that school and exams are over, I can do whatever I movies, go to the mall, spend a lot of time on Anime/Manga, watch the recording of Avatar, etc.
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