Looking past the Wii comments I really can't stand watching grown men cry about their "art form". Grab a tampon hun, you're not an artist you're a programmer. 00110110001000111001000110011000010110 IS NOT ART! Kuniva1181
I guess listing the letters that make up the chemical compositions of different types of paint makes painters not artists.
Programmers can use code to produce art, just like painters can do with paint.
Art is a subjective thing, if other things like chemicals on canvas and music can qualify as art in the eyes of the mainstream than images made by complex code certainly should too. When you listen to music you don't consider the individual soundwaves, you hear the music they produce. When you look at a painting you don't see the chemical compounds or even individual molecules of paint that make up a picture, you see the picture itself. When you play or look at a game you're not seeing code, you're seeing the image created by the code.
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