Your examples are that currently disc based software is more popular, so not understanding the chosen examples when the question posed is about the future. To answer, yes it is, will it happen anytime soon? Probably not. There has to be an incentive to go DD, look at steam, it's caused an influx of DD on PC due to the sales it has causing games to cost less than in store generally. For consoles MS, Sony and Nintendo are probably unlikely at the moment to do such a model (though MS kind of tried with their previous always online stance) as it would undercut the physical stores which sell their games. So in short, it quite possibly will happen if that's what people want but not anytime soon at least until next gen at the earliest.
Meanwhile in Canada game stores are increasing the price of video games.. currently all games cost $69.99 instead of $59.99... LOL at buying games from stores.
I rather buy a $69 game than a $50 digital game. I feel like I get much more in return.
Trust me i used to be the exact same way but in few years you'll look at your shelf and see nothing but game boxes of games you've already played and finished ( and most likely will never play again ) then you'll ask yourself what the f**k am i supposed to do with all these boxes?
Play them again or give them to someone else once Sony or Microsoft refuse to keep these systems alive?
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