Why would you call it stupid bullshit when you don't know what it is?
Yes Forza will work offline. You just can't use the features that are powered by Microsoft's cloud, like the drivatars. Which is logical. My guess is pretty much every game is going to use it. Simply because it makes developing games easier for devs, but mostly, it let's them add cool features and focus more on the design of the game.
Titanfall is going to use it in interesting ways. Respawn said Xbox One version of that game would be the one with the bells and whistles PC wouldn't have because of it.
It's really dumb of you to call it stupid when you don't know what you're talking about. Microsoft doesn't force any developer to use it, they just invested in it and say to developers: here are some toys you may use, go nuts. And they don't interfere with any of that stuff. In the most uncreative way imaganable, it will at least result in pretty much every multiplayer game having dedicated servers.
How is that not a plus?
And another thing, after checking out some interviews with the Forza 5 developers, you are wrong about the drivatars. You need to stay connected in order for the drivatar to develop. If you go offline, you still use the same features, but there will be no new progress.
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