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PS3 - Worth the investment in 6 years ?

Kaz Hirai recently said the "PS3's full gaming potential won't be tapped 6 years". He also talks about the issue that developers are having issues with the PS3.

Do we feel mad or happy about this?

Some feel that is simply too long to wait. Others think it is a great thing. The premium games on the PS3 look amazing right now, imagine the progression this will have in 2 years, in 4 years, and then this 6 year mark. If you were to be mad, why be mad at Sony. . .I feel it's the developer's fault. Unless he means they won't 'unlock' the full potential via firmware updates then yes, be mad at Sony. If not, then just enjoy the natural progression of better video game graphics.

Then Kaz commented on the difficulty developing for the PS3 and compared it to the PS2 era. Kaz says. . .

If you look back at the commentary we received when we launched PS2, there was a lot of talk to the effect that 'It's very difficult to program for' and 'It's easier on a Dreamcast'. It's happened before.If people said it was easy to program the PS3, I would be worried. That wouldn't be pushing the envelope for technological development.

I think we are already seeing some great looking games the real question is how much better in two years and how long will it really be before Microsoft and Nintendo release another system ? I have a hard time believing Sony will let Microsoft get a years head start again. That could mean that while Sony PS3 is starting to hit its peak it will be replaced by number 4. I guess you could say we saw the same thing with the PS2. Including the year head start for the 360 and the general idea that it is easier to develop for how far behind is the PS3 really ?

The influnce of others

I was thinking the other day about how much influnce game review web sites like GameSpot,IGN and magazines like EGM, Gameinformer and the likehave in your decisions to buy or not to buy a certain game. If for example you played a demo of a game and enjoyed it but later onfound out it got terrible reviews what would you do ? The reason I ask is because I had this happen to me once. The game is called Future Tactics and to me its a fun tactics game that introduced some cool game play ideas. I had the demo from my Playstation mag and I will admit when I first played the demo I did'nt really get it but I thought I would give it a few more trys before I pass judgment. I liked the idea of the game and generally I like tactics games. Well I finally got what the game play was about and started to enjoy the game even though it was'nt finished. When the game was released some time later as a budget title it recieved manily bad reviews. Since I liked the demo I decided to go ahead and buy the game and play through it. I really enjoyed the whole game except one tiny thing. The robot dude which had some very abilities left after I had maxed him out ! Yeah that stung a bit but it did not deter me from finishing the game which was more difficult because the robot was gone. Well I went back and started to read a-lot of the reviews and I was wondering if the so called reviews had played even half the game ? I thought it was interesting that I found one review that was positive that said the same thing I was thinking. Now what I did was not really that brave considering the cost only 20 dallors but when you have a game costing 60 dallors it gets a bit harder to take a chance. I guess renting is the best bet when it comes to the 60 dallor games. How do you approach your buying decisions and do you think you have missed out on games you might have liked because of reviews ?

Games that are worth another play through.

What games have you played more than once  ?  Which games do you plan to go back and play again  ?

I will start with a partial list of mine.

1. The Mario Bros series.  I have played these a ton over the years.

2. The Halo series.  nuff said

3. Worms.  The 2D ones of course

4. Resident evil 4.  Although I liked RE2 I have  never went back and played it again.

Okay thats a start but I am sure I will have to add to my list as I think back over the years.

The PS3 and backwards compatibilty.

When I first read that the PS3 was going to be less backwards compatible in Europe than in Japan or America I was a bit shocked. I mean one of the thinks that Sony was saying is that they were committed to full backwards compatibility and gamers really like the feature because it means they don't have to have multiple systems hooked up to be able to enjoy their full library of Playstation games. After I read the news a couple of more times I began to under stand that Sony intends to continue to make more PS2 and PS1 games playable on the PS3 in the future. Okay I still think this is a bummer for our friends in Europe that the system will not play all the games from the PS2 and PS1 from the start but I am hope-ing that Sony will eventually fix this. This move is supposed to save Sony some money but it is not reflected in the final retail price as far as I know so what you have at the beginning is a PS3 that does not deliver what Sony has been saying. I think this will further erode consumer confidence and will result in slower sales. What are your ideas.

The problem for the PS3

Well we all know the PS3 has launched with a price point that has some scratching their head. If you take time to look at the features you will see that it is not a bad deal at all. Take a look at the 20Gb model for instance at 500 dollars its only 100 dollars more than the 360 with the hard drive. For the extra 100 dollars you get a Blu-ray movie player. If you were to buy a Blu-ray player by itself it would run you around a 1000 dollars so yeah its a great deal. The problem is is not everyone is ready to take the HD jump so the added Blu-ray player looks like an extra 100 dollars instead of a great buy on a HD movie player. That brings me to what I think the bigger problem is for the PS3 and thats the year head start for the 360. Not only does it have over a 7 million sales lead but it has most importantly second year software that is being compared to ports and first generation software for the PS3. Also during 2007 I expect that Microsoft will leverage their lead with a price drop right when the PS3 starts to get its feet under it. I only see one problem for Microsoft and thats Japan. Two software titles in two days on the new Wii system outsold software for the 360 that has been out all year ! With the 360 having no traction in Japan the PS3 has a chance to even the playing field. I have not mentioned the Wii which I think will out pace both of the more expensive systems at least for the first year or so. In the end I think all the systems will have its share of great games and in the end I don't think we will see a dominate machine like the PS2 was and still is.
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