The site always had a bugs or so even in the old format but MOST of them were only an annoyance. But the game stacks is more or less totally broken. So by own experience and what other complained here are a list of bugs to be found in the game stacks
1. Some games not appearing if the stack has more than 100.
2. Stacks that have less than 100 become unordered automatically and cannot be changed back to ordered
3. Going to edit page takes forever and a bit more.
4. Edit page only shows maximum 20 games whether or not the stack exceeds 100.
5. Sorting games doesn't work correctly at all. (Not to mention some game scores doesn't even show up (then again all ratings and reviews have disappeared in ratings page) )
Suggestion to Main Game Stack Page:-
This is not a big issue (compared to flaws above at least) but I believe the whole point of showing 5 games of a stack in the main stack page should be to show what are the most recent games user added whether is is ordered or not. I mean who would want to see the games you played like 8 years ago right in the main page. It should show the latest games the user bought or the the most recent games finished etc. Or at least give the user an option on that.
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