Legend Of Zelda: Very first game of the incredible series, i just saw the beggining of this game so i would like someone to tell me something about this game.
Legend Of Zelda II: Adventure of Link: Second game in the series for NES, read legend of zelda.
Legend of Zelda: A link to the past: Third game (SNES) This game was the one that changed everything for zelda games, you could go helping people, solving the dungeons or finding the accesories and various things in the game. The game was the first linear game in the zelda series, you had to get the map, then the compass and then the special weapon of the dungeon. I dont remember but was this the first time they introduced the deku trees as merchants??.Back to the changes this game had major graphical changes similar to a GBC or GBA game. There was an introduction to a Zelda-Link relationship. You needed strategies to beating bosses.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Fourth game i think (GB) This was a basic model for the handheld zelda games. In this game you had to find the eight artifacts to open an egg in a mountain (Musical instruments). In the last zelda game there werent many word riddles but in this game there were a lot. Specially cause this was the real introduction to the owl that helps you. I had a hard time beating this game perhaps becuase i was a little kid. A rather huge map, with many things to do. There were only nine dungeons (if im wrong correct me, its been a long time since i played this game). And the story is very complicated.
The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX: Fifth game in the series. (GBC). It was a remake of LA but it was in color and had only one addition that i remember. I think it was the photoshop.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time: Sixth game in the series. (N64) Some say its the best game of the series, but i say its one of the best cause every zelda game from each generation had something innovative. This was the first 3D Zelda game. Great game. Many sidequests. Travel through time. Great Story and gameplay. First horseback game. You get to travel to many different places with different characteristics. The dungeons are so different from one another, sometimes you can get lost. This was the real introduction to the ocarina, that you used to play certain notes in certain moments and places. (I say real introduction becuase in LA there was a trade that required the ocarina)
The legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: Seventh game in the series (N64) This game requiered the expansion pack. Nice game i really like it. I dont know why some people dont like that game. (tell me why). In gameplay it was almost the same thing as in OOT. But this game introduced the masks which you needed to do certain specific tasks. This was the game that required to help a lot of people in order to finish the game. Sword upgrades was also something new. And the transformation of link in the moon too. (really cool)
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Season, Oracle of Ages: Eight and ninth game in the series. (GBC) This was the last game i bought before getting a GBA. i bought Oracle of Seasons. This are the first modern zelda games in handhelds. They are great games, and for the first time establish a link with another zelda game. There were two ways to finish this game (1, the normal way. 2, And with a password you get from the other game, or linking with the other game) The graphics were upgraded. And was almost the same gameplay of LA. But with some obvious changes.
i wont go further becuase the other games are well known if someone wants to do that part they can.
For debate i would like that everyone that posts puts their oponion of which was the best zelda game for each console from the NES to the GC.
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