If nintendo takes money from his videos about their stuff, he should take money from sales generated after he posted the video. People don't need to see nintendo to watch angry joe, but there are probably a lot of people who need to see his reviews to buy a game.
@mirage_so3 @Burning_Cactus How can a game be all about multiplayer and all about "the individual" anyway, this game is just Tenchu-Z with a bigger budget. All the enemies are essentially generic guys with guns re-skinned. Same goes for the planets. There are like 6 guns in the game but you find new versions that have different scopes, but they're the same. There is no story, or maybe I just feel that way due to garbage storytelling. The game is lazy and mindless but its pretty fun, and I like to play with my friends.
@mirage_so3 @Burning_Cactus I love multiplayer. If this game was singleplayer only i would never give it a chance. I had a lot of fun with the game, and I'm still playing it, but it's not that great. Every mission is the same. All of the enemies are essentially guys with guns but re-skinned. There's absolutely no story, and the storytelling is garbage. This game is just tenchu-z with a bigger budget. Super fun, but lazy and mindless.
@Sevenizz Titanfall isn't even the best game on xbox one. It's pretty unremarkable. It has no campaign or story, it isn't worth half the price they charged, and it got boring in one day (at least for me) It does almost nothing new or innovative, but it does look kinda nice. Best part is that you can change the titan voice.
@aegis_kleais This game and watchdogs were both first shown on PC using console controllers. Of course they need to be downgraded for consoles. And watchdogs was on current gen as well which means it was doomed from the start.
Burning_Cactus' comments