Ok, so I haven't blogged in quite a while. I did to a blog about a week ago, but I had to delete it due to moderation reasons:(. I was just going to have a quick chat/ rant about the people on PlayStation Network.
When I got back from France a few weeks back, I noticed that someone who I used to play with quite frequently was no longer on my friends list. I sent him messages and friend requests asking him why he deleted me.
Eventually, I saw him on MSN and got chatting to him. It turns out he deleted me because I either used a curse word, or used God's name in vain. So I apologised and he re-added me. I made an extra special attempt not to swear when he was in the same game lobby (Call of Duty 4) as me.
As some of you know, I have a microphone on my PlayStation 3, and when I use it, I get frustrated and almost always swear viciously. Ask Dan_Lero. So, I managed to play a few games with him. Almost yelled Jesus Christ during a game, but stopped myself before it came out. Apart from that, I didn't swear at all.
Then, earlier on this night, I got a message from him saying "You used a cuss word in your comment and I can't look at that every day". I tried to message him back saying that my friend wrote it when he came round my house a few days ago, but he had already blocked me. I just can't be bothered getting a friend to contact him, because chances are, I'll add him and end up swearing again by accident. I can't help it. It's just who I am. I guess I'm just a rude person and over-react during laggy games of Call of Duty 4.
A few things I don't get:
He was an American youth and judging from his picture looked around 17. Normally people of that age aren't offended that easily by that sort of language.
He was playing Call of Duty 4 multiplayer on PlayStation 3. A game which is known for people with microphones. I have not played a single match in the history of playing that game which hasn't had someone swearing down their microphone in.If he wanted a game which doesn't have swearing in it, why doesn't he play something like Metal Gear Solid 4 or Need for Speed: ProStreet? They both have options to report people using foul or inappropriate language.
Not only was he playing the multiplayer, he was playing the single player too. Look on the back of the game and notice the big age rating sticker which mentions bad language.
It's a war game. It's violent. Which is more inappropriate- violence or swearing? So a game where the target is to kill people is ok, but if it has swearing in, it's out of the question? They're just words.
By the way, if you were wondering what my comment was, it was "******' Chavs". Nothing aimed to offend anyone except for chavs... And they aren't really people. We all know that.
Next topic, also to do with Call of Duty 4, if I haven't told you already, my current clan [oR- oVerRATED] is moving its way up the top 25 clans on consolegaming.eu. We once made it up to 18th, but now we're closer to about 25th.
It's a European only clan who specialise in Search & Destroy modes and Sabotage. If you are in a clan on consolegaming.eu, mention it and we'll schedule a friendly/ ranked.
Or, if you would like to enlist, contact me and I'll see whether it's the right clan for you.
Last thing, my mate found this on YouTube. It may be useful to all you Call of Duty 4 players out there...
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