Ok, so I decided to give these answers a few hours early. And here they are...
-Yes- I like them both. I have a cheaper looking version of Vivian.
-I spend about ¾ of my time during holidays or weekends on PlayStation Network. The remaining time, I'll be on GameSpot or doing something else on the computer. I may go out for a few minutes each day and I will have breakfast, lunch but then probably won't go back on PlayStation Network after dinner. Will go back on GameSpot though.
-I intend to but due to financial reasons, it may be a while before I get it.
-My first console was a PlayStation One which I got at a car-boot sale for £10 but I remember playing Grand Theft Auto 3 on my uncle's PlayStation 2 a bit before that. Yes- I was a bit too young for it but hell- I was too innocent to understand much of it anyway.
-I've never really played an arcade game except a few quick goes on House of the Dead on Dream Cast.
-That's a hard one… The Orange Box. It's varied- like my mood. Sometimes I'm nice and funny. Other times, I just want to blow you to pieces with a MiniGun called Sasha.
-I've never really played any co-op games either. Lego Star Wars 2 was quite fun on the PlayStation 2.
-Strong? What do you mean by that? What do you have to do in order to make a strong relationship with an imaginary character- Eww! Guess Eva from Metal Gear Solid 3 was pretty fit- despite cheesy dialogue.
-Vegetarian spaghetti Bolognese. Only if my dad makes it though…
-Things are ok for us Brits. One problem though- Chavs. They're like bugs except you can't squish 'em… And bugs don't mug you.
-I'm an ok gamer. Pretty average in all games except Metal Gear Solid games which I completed more than 15 times each. (Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3)
-My favourite console is the PlayStation 3 because it has so much in it. Blu-Ray, free internet, free wireless adapter… Also it has Metal Gear Solid 4, the end of my favourite game series ever. My favourite game at the moment is probably The Orange Box because it has so much variety.
-My favourite video game character is probably either Gordon Freeman or the Pyro from Team Fortress 2. Notice a similarity?
-As I said in Raziel's question, I prefer the PlayStation 3. I am in no way saying the Xbox 360 is bad though. I just prefer the PlayStation 3.
I do not own a PlayStation Portable yet, but out of all the games I have played on my friend's, LocoRoco seems to be the most innovative and fun.
-The word aardvark has two As because of its origin. It comes from two Dutch words- Aard meaning earth, and Vark meaning pig.
-I like to draw, listen to music and browse the internet in my spare time.
-The first proper console game I played was Grand Theft Auto 3. I played many small educational games when I was young on an old Windows '98.
-Since looking on Google Earth at where KrazyKev lives, Canada seems a fascinating place to go. When the family has enough money, we're planning to go on a trip from North America to Canada over the course of about a month.
-Well I'm a teenager now so naturally I'll be getting spots etc. Damn things are so annoying, you just have to pop 'em all.
-The only old-school console I have played on is a Sega MegaDrive.
-I have only heard of Angry Video Game Nerd. Never got round to watching it.
-That's the one which will remain a mystery. Don't ask why- I just don't like to give away my age on the internet. Look on the images section of my profile and judge for yourself.
-No, I haven't. I'll look it up soon.
-I may buy it if I have the money.
-Metal Gear Solid 4 is a must buy. I just don't know when I'll be getting it. I can live without Dragon Ball to be honest. Both MotorStorm 2 and Resistance 2 are on my Christmas wish-list.
-Anything that looks particularly good to be honest. May not buy too many games this year since I am also getting a new TV and we are in a financial crisis.
-If you want to blog like this then feel free.
-I have only seen the old Indiana Jones films. Not the new one.
-I'm not sure. I may have played for about 12 hours at a sleepover or something before.
-I played the Uncharted demo and it is on my wish list.
-I don't mind if you keep on asking questions. Ask more if you want.
-No. Haven't a clue what it is.
-I am a fan of Zero Punctuation, yes.
-I am not a great fan of horror movies so I couldn't say.
-I only ever use GameSpot.
-I didn't let Chickensoup911 copy me- but I didn't say he couldn't do it either. If he wanted to make a blog like this then fine by me. Just tell him to be a little less excited about brackets.
-I do the bare minimum at school. No- I haven't done any events so far.
-Coca Cola.
-California. I went there when I was a kid.
-Not at all. You just seem curious.
-The Metal Gear series is my favourite game series of all time.
-I used to have two cats but one died and the other had to be put to "sleep".
-I do like penguins very much.
-Umm… Any noodles that don't come out of a cheap plastic pot.
-I've only got Spirited Away on DVD. It's a pretty good film. Very weird though.
-My favourite game genre is console first person shooter.
(Yohnazo- that isn't going to work twice)
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