I'd like to know this too.Lets say I take my time and not rush through?
CBN16's forum posts
gta v is a must buy.StaticKornSlipXI already preordered that haha. I'm not one-sided when it comes to Saints Row and GTA. I mean, I do like GTA more, but I find myself playing both a lot.
I'd say GTA is a lot better, but Saints Row is still fun. A lot of people say Saints Row is like "GTA on acid." I am just a little worried about Blacklists replay value. Saints Row is like one of those games where you can sit down and play whenever. I do like that Blacklist has stealth though.I have never played saints row before bt I hear its similar to gta, is that true?
I know these posts can get a little annoying, I am having trouble trying to decide which of these two games I want.
I have never played a Splinter Cell game before and I really liked Saints Row 2 and The Third (I haven't played the first). I feel like Saints Row IV might be better for me, but I am worried it is too much like The Third. What do you guys think?
Thanks in advance for replies.
Thanks. I think I will OC my CPU. I am not sure what generation it is. I think I got it in 2009 or 2010.
I think I am going to upgrade the GPU because I want the PhysX features from Nvidia. For the SSD, I will if I can afford it haha. They're so expensive.
I am mostly wondering if I will be able to run the games on high-ultra settings.
My specs are in my signature.
I am thinking I will be able to medium and if not, I can always do low. I can upgrade if I need to.
Thanks in advance for replies.
I'm happy to see people don't think the same way he does.
Speaking of Deus Ex, that is the other trilogy I am playing. :D
Not too long ago, I asked about some problems I have been having with my Vita. I did get some help, but I am still having problems.
To start, the Vita is up to date and there are no physical damages done to the Vita.
The first problem is charging and transfering data. The Vita used to charge while being plugged into my PC, but I noticed it doesn't do this anymore. The touch screen also doesn't respond when it's plugged in sometimes.
The second issue also involves charging. I have noticed that sometimes the Vita stops working properly if it has been plugged in for too long. This makes me need to reset the system for it to work again, I think this may have to do with how I used to charge the system. I would put it inside the case and let it charge. I noticed it started overheating from being inside the case and would just turn off, so I started charging it outside of the case.
The only reason I am debating sending it in is I heard it can take a few weeks to send in and get the new one. I also have screen protectors on both sides of the system, and if I take them off, I can't use them on the new Vita.
Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give.
I recently finished the Mass Effect games and really liked them. I was talking to someone about it and they said I was too late to be a fan. Like the only way I could really be a fan of a game is if I played it at launch.
I mean, if this was true, there would be no "true fans" of older games eventually. Anyway, I don't think this is true, but I'm wondering if anybody thinks the same way.
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