If you have to pay for this, they better give you the six characters and the three weapons right of the gate. Seems pointless to pay for something you won't actually get in the game. haha
Alright, I really don't want to troll, but the GS staff (lots of respect) claim that this is killing the art and the storytelling of Mass Effect 3. Hold up, there is some ambiguity in the game, and you don't have to play the ending. You can keep the old ending if you want. Bioware is not ruining their own art. They can't. It's theirs.
I really enjoyed this article. Great writing. I'm a "christian" in a very loose sense of the word. I am working towards loving God and people as purely as God has loved me. Am I good at it? No, I screw up. I fail to show God, Christians, and non-Christians the love I can offer. I've never played an explicitly christian game, but something that would constantly tell me to "repent heathen" would annoy the hell out of me. (c wut i did thur?) I really like what Lin said about how the Bible is a goldmine of potential for video game, because it truly is. The only things I disagreed with were the reference to Dante's Inferno, yeah it's religious, but the themes do not line up with what Jesus teaches. A prostitute who loves Jesus has just as much right to go to Heaven as me, Joe Blow. I didn't agree with the "Choose to live freely according to human whims, or choose to abide by the order of a higher power." This is just a personal matter, so I won't bore you kind reader anymore. Haha. But, pretty much every other point of the article was spot on. Well done. I applaud you.
CCGR_Pheonix's comments