Look this is stupid . Im not going to argue with sheeps . Were never going to get anywhere . All im saying is that when I bought my wii I was hoping for something new . I wasent expecting To be using every single button on the remote like I used to do with my cube .
Does every game have to use motion controlls for you to be happy?
That is I would of thought the hole point of the Wii, the motion sensing controls, without it there is nothing else that makes the wii stand out.. So games without the motion sensing make the wii a GC 1.5 in other words.
My god.... These are just as bad as the cows that think Blu-Ray is needed.
There absolutely no correlation between graphics, and the amount of space required on disc. Nothing. Zero. Nada.
Both the PS3 and the 360 are limited by the 512 MB of memory of things they can display on screen.
We already know blue ray has nothing to do with making graphics better. :| It's all about more content on the disc.. Every gamer wants more content and bigger games on one disc don't they?
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