I predict the end of EA if they don't shut the F*** up and stop making these stupid claims!! It's not going to happen EA so stop dreaming. If it did then I guess I won't be gaming anymore..
@colt_a rasterror is nothing more than a childish troll. If he doesn't like what you post he acts like a child angry that him mom won't buy him that game. I shut him down on anoth post and now he trying to impress me with some witty comeback. So "Please don't feed the troll"
seriously, how old are you? Shouldn't you be in bed already before your parents beat your behind. Have you nothing better to do than troll and annoy other here?
I will buy EA for $5.00 because that's all they're worth to me. Then I will close the doors to the company forever thus saving millions of gamers from any future garbage from EA. I will then become a legend/hero to all gamers forever :)
Free to play but if you want to beat the game it will cost you $80.00. If companies think this is the way of the future then there is no future for the gaming industry. Expect anoth video game crash after gamers get tired of the greed!!
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