CTUDude's forum posts
[QUOTE="CTUDude"]The Wii died for me after I unlocked everything in Mario Kart Wii. It now sits and collects dust next to my PS3/360 lol.rgame1yeah thats what MArio kart benchers say who cannot come first in a real match online. Lol...maybe it's the fact that the Wii's online in general is a complete piece of garbage? Besides ripping friends offline is a lot more fun and appealing to me than racing strangers that I'll potentially never meet again.
We've seen the 15-20 second clip, but if you go to the main website and rewatch it they add another 10-15 secs. Not much, as always it's just a teaser.
I wasn't really interested in Conviction before but it really reminds me of 24 (Jack Bauer) and The Bourne Series (Jason Bourne). A man who just wants to live his own life but is dragged back by his past.
The METASCORE is considered a weighted average because we assign more significance, or weight, to some critics and publications than we do to others, based on the overall stature and quality of those critics and publications.Metacritic/thread.
If you really want to play MGS4 so bad, just do what I did. Buy a PS3 and MGS4 and return it when you've beaten it. You have 30 days to return the PS3, and at least at Best Buy they didn't ask for a reason why I was returning it. I sold MGS4 on craigslist for $40. Its totally worth it, that game is the best this generation IMO.
That is not only fraud but extremely unethical.Serious question, is that really illegal? I mean they give you the thirty days. I played the game, beat it, and saw no other reason for owning the system at the time. Why else would they give you 30 days? Its for people who decide that the system is not worth the $400, which it wasn't for me. Sure my motives were suspect (unethical may be a bit strong, Im not going to lose sleep over costing multi-billion dollar corporations a few bucks), but is it really illegal? I also seriously considered keeping it.
It's because when you go to purchase a good it is with the intent that you are going to keep it unless there is some sort of problem/difficulty with it. It's not 'illegal' in a sense since you may have just been disatisfied with the product although I wouldn't go around announcing to the world what you did. The motives were unethical...you just don't buy something to use it then return it when you're done. I can understand that they are multi-billion dollar corporations but there's no reason or need for consumers to sink down to their level. I dunno you honestly don't have to care what I say (I'm just some random e-guy), I'm just giving you my opinion on the situation is all. What ever you choose to do is your choice man, and remember it isn't illegal unless you get caught ;)
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