CTUDude's forum posts
This is quite possibly the worst thread I have ever seen in system wars. At least sometimes when you post you try but this was a big giant fail.Da_lil_PimPYea, before he was purposely trying to fail. This time it was inadvertenly...
ech.... I download game or dlc from your acc and u download game or dlc from mine acc.. FOR FREE...2sun5OMG ARE YOU FOR REAL? OKAY! I'll PM you my info first and then you can PM me your info once you're done. YAY I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! lol...
With the 2 pictures, were you being sarcastic? I see the smallest difference. Just a bit shinier...C-LeeSecond pic you can see indentations or 'wrinkles' in his forehead whereas the first was just flat. Check eye positioning as well...
what? I'm pretty sure there is region lock...because I had to switch my account from NA to EUR in order to play it...and now I can't play all my NA downloaded stuff... Anyway back on topic...it is a pretty good demo, I found some parts to be annoying...but it was really fun... Also EUR is getting lucky, because NA doesn't have the demos because we have to preorder the games at GameStop in order to get them...EpsilonZXSorry I forgot to mention I downloaded it off my PS3 =/
what? I'm pretty sure there is region lock...because I had to switch my account from NA to EUR in order to play it...and now I can't play all my NA downloaded stuff... Anyway back on topic...it is a pretty good demo, I found some parts to be annoying...but it was really fun... Also EUR is getting lucky, because NA doesn't have the demos because we have to preorder the games at GameStop in order to get them...EpsilonZXWha? I did it just fine. I logged onto my EU account, downloaded it, installed it onto my PSP and now it's alright =/
I decided to browse the Japanese and Europe stores today and I found the Resistance PSP Demo. I just installed it on my North American PSP so there is no region lock.
P.S. EU got Killzone 2 and now Resistance demos =O
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