On the WWE front
- Curt Henning/Mr. Perfect - Should of been champ back in the mid 90's when they only had HBK and Bret. Not sure if he was injured or what but it seemed WWF was lacking of main event heels at the time and I think Henning would have been...pardon the pun...perfect. Just imagine the possibility, they could have had triple treat matches with Hart, HBK and Henning for the title or just have Bret and HBK fight over who gets a shot at Henning. Seems like a missed opportunity to me.
- Vader - Always seemed like a great monster heel to me and of course he was utilized poorly in his WWF run. Kind of like what I said about Henning above, he could have been a great heel champ for the mid 90's WWF scene by feuding with Taker, HBK, or Bret. Instead my only memories of him consist of him killing off Gorilla Monsoon, Kane killing Vader off, and Vader making a one night comback in '04 only to fall off of the ring apron. Sorry Vader.
- Ricky Steamboat - Him and Savage would have torn the house down even more if they weren't beeing held down by Hulkamania. I guess at least he was given his due by the NWA.
- Ted Dibiase - Don't really know if Andre giving him the belt really constitutes as an official title win, but nonetheless, I think he could have been a great heel champ for Hogan to feud with at that time. At least the belt went to Savage and not Hogan after he was given the belt at that time.
- Paul Orndorf - Seems like he was one of the biggest casulties of Hulkamania to me. Definately should have had more victories over Hogan.
Besides WWE
- Arn Anderson - One of the all time greats, it really is a shame he'll never get main event gold. Guess thats what happens when you hang around with Flair.
- Christopher Daniels - As much as I enjoy TNA, it's almost embarassing to the sport of wrestling that a guy of the Fallen Angel's calibur has do dress up and become a goofy gimmick character to get TV time each week. Personally, I would love to see him in someone like Joe's spot right now or maybe even AJ's spot. Not following around Eric Young and dancing to get cheap pops. Hope he returns sooner than later.
- Jerry Lynn - Another great wrestler who will probably never be given his due. He busted his ass every match and the best title he's ever held is the X-Division title.
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