Well, i clicked Multiplayer, but i do both. I love the online play, but also love the stories in some of my singleplayer games. Fallout 3 is a great example. I mostly play online, but of course buy the "epic" and "anticipated" games more suited for singleplayer. IE. Doom series, QUAKE series etc.
Goldeneye 64! Best game based on a movie! Even the levels are reognizable in the film when you play the game and watch it again. Rare did a great job with that one!
The best SH to date if you ask me. And a GREAT theme that I just had to learn to play on the guitar! There are some very disturbing scenes in this game too, which makes it all the more eerie. Pyramid "doing" something when you are in a closet anyone?
I won't say it's better than FF7, as it is the most fantastic RPG ever created in my opinion, but I don't dislike FFV8 at all. It was a fresh breath of air. FF9 was also great. To me it goes like this: FF7, FF3, FF9 and FF8. FF10 and 10 -2 were utter **** in my opinion, TBH.
SNES! Better games, better controls, bigger library. Even the gamepad is timeless, it's basic layout copied and still used to this day by Sony on the PlayStation. Nintendo were the kings, and again they are nothing short of climbing up to regain the throne again!
A Link to The Past, definately. There has been no story in The Legend of Zelda ever since. Yes, Ocarina of Time was great, but it was another game, another system, and in "3D", which made it the biggest Zelda yet. And to me it's a close second. But nothing compares to A Link to The Past. The music and the deep story there is intense. I even read the comics back then. It wins, it's epic and it's legendary.
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