people love the "Feel" of cod cause of its 60 like battlefield,crysis,i.e. (every other FPS) never can get a decent chance cause they all run 30 fps coincidence?
bottom line the MAIN reason i cant wait for next gen is to FINALLY play FPS games especially battlefield in 60 in a nutshell hell YES 60+ FPS are NEEDED
@TheOnlyConan several sources including a video with the bf4 producer interviewed by playstation access confirming it..and several youtubers who use their channels for battlefield who played the ps4 version all said 60 idea about resolution tho
@komuchen i agree with being blown away in feb. and this gen was waaaay too long..i mean literally the past 2 years have been nothing but recycled versions of the same games with no major improvements *cough* gears of war
the main reason i was excited for next gen was to finally be able to play great graphical games at 60 frames,that being said this doesn't seem like a big deal to me. 1.the game im looking most forward to BF4 runs at 60,hell even killzone 4 multi runs at 60 (just not a steady one) 2.these are pretty much ports to fit all consoles at the moment so i can kinda understand why. should know by now the systems wont be optimized until a good year
@Stevo_the_gamer @CaMmO yea i mean like last going with ps4 this gen but like last gen everything was pretty much ported from 360...basically for 3rd party games is there a chance they will be porting from the xbox or maybe pc?
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