The mass effect universe (literally and metaphorically) is way too rich for them not to make another game. I would have called it milking if they had continued the series with Commander Shepard. Without Shepard, they get to explore some new ideas. I wouldn't mind seeing an adventure rpg with: a more personal story playing, where we learn more about the nuts and bolts of all the technology we saw in the trilogy, with much, much, much more exploration of planets and colonies and more information about the other species in the trilogy.
I hate staring at a list of trophies for a game and seeing that the only one left is for playing the game at the hardest difficulty setting. I'm no trophy hunter but 99/100 sucks when its just one stupid trophy standing (so to speak) in the way. Playing at the hardest difficulty setting should be something the really good players go after as a personal test.
Yay! Oh boy! (Sorry about that. I have this thing where I shout for joy when something I liked is about to be disemboweled Uwe Boll style). This is gonna be the best movie ever! (I apologize for that as well).
@i8ababytoo Why wouldn't they release another single player campaign for a series fans bought for the single player experience? But you're right, it doesn't need to be one or the other so where is the single player dlc to go along with this?
I'd rather pay for some single player dlc involving the ME 2 exclusive squad members, recover more war assets and recruit new species to the squad (esp. elcor).
As long as they don't half *** the story, I'll buy it (standard edition). It looks like what they should have done with the PSP games or what they could have done if the first two games had been released for PS3. I like the combat moves from the previous games they added.
Caduceus89's comments