@Kollskegg @eyesandsmiles in this day and age you should be able to have good graphics and good gameplay.. infact just like when doom was released it looked bloody awesome..
The people who do the graphics in the games are not usually the people who do the programming or story design... its big companies like EA and activision releasing the same bunk every year and people actually buying the bunk that is the problem.. why should those big companies spend money maknig brand new games when they can just re-package old ones and people will still buy them..
Wait there the start of the article is all wrong.. PCs had 3dfx during the entire late 90s.. the graphics produced by those cards looked a hell of a lotter better than any console. In 1999 we got the geforce 256 that was well ahead of anything at the time then all the nvidia cards that followed.
I think 4k is out of reach of the next gen console, and maybe over the next year or so will be see it become available to most PC gamers.
Consoles could never match the performance of PCs... even when the first playstation came out you had the vodoo cards on PC and they made the games look a hell of a lot better and it did not take the PCs long to get even better. Jsut the fact of being able to run AA on the games out then made them look better.
I do agree with him when he says the current generation of consoels being designed around the x86 processors is a good thing.
Anyway consoles have their place as a home entertainment system and they do it well.. PCs have been and always will be the place to go if you want to see the best of the best when it coems to game performance.
I guess at the end of the day its up to the individual what he/she wants to game on..
@arqe @max-hit not really if you have a bad team in BF3 then your going to loose not matter how many times you quickly re-spawn.. loosing because your team is bad just sucks in any game..
wtf you need to pay for a video steam.. and I thought EA liked to drain people of thier money in any way possible.. i think blizzard are trying to out do EA..
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