@Gears_0f_L0ve not really unlike eve this is not gonig to be a full on mmorpg.. it will have similar elements but I dont see a mass exodus from Eve to this.. srue some will play both but i dont think eve will get hit hard.
@jerusaelem @Caldrin it sounds like you don't really enjoy the game? I am quite happy playing the game and unlocking things when I can.. I am in no rush to get everything unlocked it just happens as I play.. these days people just want everything straight away.. take your time and enjoy the game..
@DeviantCode @Caldrin what makes the game fun is that its a cop-op miltiplayer game i dont think you would have as much fun playing this by yourself.. i think the devs knew that.. sure maybe they could ahve spent more time no the A.I. but if they did have more time to put into the game i think i would have wanted them to put it into other aspects fo the game.
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