Really looking forward to this.. i loved UV3 and just got CKII its good to have a really deep game that you can get into and spend some real time playing..
@SpinDie25 lol i know server that run 24/7 without any isseus in ARMA II..
ARMA III is not just a re-badged game its a new engine that just happens to be back compatable with the old one.. and thats a very good thing. the game engine is stunning.. you will find it hard to get an engnie that can run a map this big and look this good..
Also you do know what a beta test is for right.. i would hope so and those bugs you have come accross you reported right away yes ?
My parents where qutie sctrict when i was really young i mean i was not allowed to watch 18 rated films when i was under 10 or anything.. but after that they let me watch most things and paly all the games that where around.. i have not gone aronud killing people or stealing cars or anything.
But they are trying to blame the game industry and we all know thats not right.
We need to put the pressure back on the parents to bring their kids up correctly.
They keep trying to blame movies and games for the their kids going crazy. Its not the movies or games fault its the parents fault for letting their kids watch and play these things.
Sadly the only way to get this through to some partents is by using the law. It might be a bit extreme btu its better than not having adult games to play..
@shingui5 @Caldrin Your right and thats why there should be laws allowing governemnts to proecute parents who allow their kids to play 18+ rated games.. of course it would be hard to prove or whatever but at least the police would be able to do somthing if needed.
Kids should not be playing adult rated games and its as simple as that.. its not the gaming industry to blame but as you said the parents..
Caldrin's comments