"Your target's health bar is placed at the top of the screen, which is an awkward and unusual position."
Now I have not played this yet but a lot of RPGs tend to put the health of your target at the top of the screen.. how in any way is that awkward. Other than that I cant comment yet..
@xsonicchaos @Caldrin I jsut dont think it should be there at all. .it kind of makes the game pointless. but reading what the mystwade says about there being a penalty then thats fair enough i guess.. but still its a feature that should enver have made it into racing games..and i know its not the first one to have it.
@Tzardok Whats devs need to realise is that they cant compete with wow by making a wow clone they need to make somthing different. Also they need to realsie maybe wow was kind of a one off with numbers of peopel they ahve playing it.. All mmos before and after that are any good usually sit around the 200k-500k user mark so they need to dsign the game aronud those numbers..
Anyway there have recently been some very different MMORPGs funded on kickstarter so over the next few years I am pretty sure we will start seeing some good MMORPGs get released and not just wow clones.
@McGregor lol really you just listed two pretty bad games... TERA combat is just plain bad.. every time you swing your weapon you get rooted to the spot..
Just imagine a viking charging towards his enemy but just as he swings his axe pop he is stuck to the spot.. the rest of TERA is just plain generic themepark game.
As for the new Neverwinter game well, the combat is a tiny bit more fluid then tera but its still pretty bad and the rest of the game is a massive let down for any D&D fan..
@ibonedyourmom @epicgameresearc I thought it was great... infact as i pre-ordered this on PC i got bound in blood and played through it again.. I played through it when it first released and graphics in the game actually look better than this. Sadly gunslinger was not the best PC port :(
I had already pre-ordered this on PC before reading this review and after reading it I was looknig forward to the game..
Sadly its very shallow compared to the last one they did bound in blood. I have posted a small review up of the game in the PC section.. I have no idea how they gave this game an 8...
Caldrin's comments