@habeasdata That is part of the fun trying to figure out how to craft items from reading about them.. the crafting books are only a few lines so its not like you have to read a full book to figure out how to smelt some ore.. and of course you dont have to as you can guess ones as well jsut ahve a play around.
I am find paying a sub for a good mmorpg.. its just been a long time since a good mmorpg has existed. Most are basically wow copies with a few tweaks here and there.. They are not gonig to pull people away from wow for very long doing that, I mean why play a copy of something when you can play the real thing for the same price.. so yeah most mmopgs with subs dont stick with subs for very long.
The few exceptions are those games that are different from wow and the people who play those games enjoy them.. EVE and Darkfall stand out there both are a lot different from the standard wow theme and both still have subs. Sure they are not everyones cup of tea but they can still make money just fine.
So yeah them ain reason most mmorpgs go free to play these days is because they are trying to compete with wow and get the same numbers.. but the devs need to realise they will never be able to do that.. They need to design their games by looking at the average amount of people that play mmorpgs without looking at wow numbers. most mmorpgs max out around 500k subs and usually sit around that number if they are good. SWG, EQ, EQ2, AO, Eve I think all had aronud that amount of players... maybe SWG peaked a lot higher at one point. So devs need to look at those kind of numbers not the 10 million wow has had..
@jski @lee1823 This is true they had made a lot of the game before the kickstarter.. but the kickstarter allowed them to get soem extra cash to make the game into what they wanted and waht a bloody good job they did as well.. without kickstarter we would not have had a game this good.
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