First of all, ps3and 360 owners, please...stop.
To be honest, ps3 and 360 are extremely down speced. Nothing even compares to the complete demonic power, that is the wii.
I'm sure everyone remembers the nes' slogon "now your playing with power", well this stillapplys to the wii.
Not only is it the best graphical system around (red steel, anyone), but it's also the most fun to play, no more will i have to sit like a complete and utter geek in my mums basement with my silly little controller, but now i can be jumping around my living room, swining my arms about and having a hell of alot more fun then i have ever had in my life.
When you compare the wii's games to the 360 or ps3, then i'm sure it's clear which is obviously the best in choice for games.
360 "top" games:
Cod4(utter bull, honestly)
Halo 3(over hyped and crap)
Gears of war (men with armour that makes it look like they have big juicy **** some nerds fantasy)
and i can't really think of anything else worth mentioning, as everything is crap. Maybe that massive effective game (copy of pokemon, man).
Ps3 "top" games:
Wii TOP games:
RED STEEL (Don't miss this action blockbuster, says OFFICIAL nintendo magazine, they know their stuff)
Mario galaxy (game of the millenium)
Legend of zelda:twilight princess (absolutely pure gold)
Wii sports (best sports game EVER, with hyper-realistic graphics)
Warioware (Purely amazing)
Smash bros (Probably going to be the most truly awesome online game, EVER)
Metroid prime 3:corruption (Hot chick in armour, come on guys RAWR)
Medal of honour:Vanguard (One of the most innovative games ever)
and the list goes on and on!
From the lists above, all of the wii games are superior in every way, mario galaxy is MUCH better than Halo 3, just check the reviews. Seriously.
I am so glad i purchased my wii, it was me and my wife's anniversary on the day it got released, and i totally left her to go get it. I'm glad I did, as my wii never goes and sleeps with other men or yells at me.
Seriously, ps3 and 360 owners, shut the hell up and get some balls, go get a real console such as the wii, and you will see what your missing
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