I know everyone would (well, those who care about achievements) want the gamerscore to keep growing but is there a certain score that would make you ease up on achievements or be proud of. I am striving to hit 50,000 but I find myself going for very hard achievements that are worth little or nothing at all like COD WaW prestige achievments. I think now that I am almost 30,000 it's more fun getting the difficult achievements that not many have.
I think I have the most Gamerscore of anyone here at Gamespot, from what I've seen, and sadly my score would be double if I didn't buy a bunch of multiplats on other consoles.
I hear ya, owning multiple consoles really takes away from achievements (Seriously, while my buddies are playing COD, I may be playing KZ2 or Metroid).When I buy multiplats, I lose Gamerscore if I don't buy 360 multiplats...it's a crazy world.
I love the 360, so I hope to have a score I can be proud of when this gen is over, but I also feel the same way about trophies.
They should create AN ULTRA SCORE! That would be more fair.
My philosophy on Gamerscore/Trophies is that when I buy a game, I max it. I first play the game for ENJOYMENT, then I see what I can do about getting that score up...if the game doesn't hold me over, I settle and move on.
I do try to max out though, like GeoW2, I have 1125!
So, I guess it just depends, it helps to have buds that compete with you PER TITLE.
That is amazing....
Do you play your xbox alot Or do you just have alot of Games
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