[quote]powah_serge trinity, n00b, the 8800s are $240 and that's for the 512 mb version! The 256 mb version is $200,which makes two of them not only more powerful than the 3870x2 but also cheaper. got to newegg and check! Anyway the price range for this is 500-600 so it is unlikely it will be exactly 500, probably 550! And there is little difference in performance between a 512mb and 256mb 8800 gt card! [/quote] A quick look on Newegg and Tigerdirect completely invalidate your entire post.
[quote]themesmith I going to put 2 in my next pc ordering it Friday with the AMD Phenom X4 9600 Quad-Core CPU will be smoking yes I'm a amd -ati fan boy [/quote] If you're an AMD Fanboy, why not wait another month for the 9900 Phenom. Current ratings of the 9600 leave alot to be desired. I personally bought my AM2 + board and I'm ready for a Phenom, the current batch just don't seem worth the cash.
It's a beast and intended for the enthusiast market which, is minimal at best.This was originally released(first revision) to compete with AMD's QuadFX board, which of course was canceled after a year or so on the market.
At the end of the day, you have to be extremely careful when viewing these benchmarks. It's been reported all over the place that more then 65% of reports are using 'canned' benchmarks already drummed up for them. This being said, the few 'real' benchmarking sites out there have all said the same thing. While this card is definitely not a Nvidia killer, price performance definitely puts it near the top, if not the top. That being said, if you have the disposable cash to get the cream of the crop, get it. If you're a bit more concerned with how you spend your money, this is a card that deserves a look.
[quote]supashooter omg I can only imagine the noise TWO CPU fans would make, gah! [/quote] My pc is near silent and I have 6 fans in my system, not including the power supply. Allowing your motherboard and additional software the ability to control your fan speed great reduces most of the noise.
[quote]63-bit mode[/quote] Slow down, proof read your posts, then click submit. Also, I've seen a rather large improvement in my system scalability after switching to 64 bit and dropping 6 gigs of ram in my machine. Do games specifically take advantage of the addition resources? No, however, there are a hell of alot of other things I do with my PC, besides play video games.
[quote]PC gaming is struggling the most because the format has the most 'hardcore' game releases and the fewest casual game releases (in the mainstream marketplace).[/quote] I have no idea where you get your information, I can go to any number of mainstream websites, on my PC and play casual games. In fact, I would argue the PC has the most casual games out of all the systems.
I also think its funny when people say ATI is getting destroyed.You people do understand, ATI's main market has and always will be, integrated chips (i.e. cell phones,motherboards,etc) They have a huge market share that Nvidia has been trying to get for years. That being said, I plan on picking up the 3870 due to price/performance.
[quote]And if you use SLI.... You can only run a second (or more) GPU that is from the same manufacture and the same model[/quote] Wrong, it only has to be the same model. They recomend the same manufacture to avoid issues but it's not necessary.
Canitbe's comments