CapoeiraBen's forum posts
Gameboy advance/DS are getting FF 3, 4, and 5 for the system. what about the PSP? all that we have is Crisis Core. a pre-quill to Final Fantasy VII ( its not even close to being finished.). i would like some of the other classics with some added cutscenes, similar to the DS, wouldnt you?
from what i know. I- VI are the best. the series went down hill from VII. these people are very old school.jordina^ Thats true, most of those people also dont like changes. VII was the first 3D final fantasy with some kind of good cutscenes. from then on, final fantasy started to change more and more with each game. then ff-X came in with voices. some people found that to be obsered....i still like the old school final fantasy ( I-VI ), but i say that from VII and on were much better. ooo yeah, can someone answer this, when did final fantasy stories have standards? i think that all the FF stories were all unique. People just have different tasts for different stories.
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