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Captain9099 Blog

My Plans for this Month

I am Planning to Review A bunch of new game that I got for My New PS2, They are, Shadow of the Colossus, Kingdom Hearts, and the Most Conervsional game to Date, Bully. Until Then, check out my reviews of Halo 2, Freedom Fighters, and  Brothers In Arms Road to Hill 30. I Also plan to try and review, Hitman Blood Money, Half Life 2 for the Xbox, and Full Spectrum Warrior. Lets Pray Here Folks:?

The Schoolyard Foe

The New Game out of the highly conterversal Rockstar Studio Take Two Interactive is a game that all children can relate to. The Game is called Bully and its a simple sand box game that takes place in a fictional Bullworth Acdemy. Where Bullies and psychopaths rule the school, and your character Jimmy Hopkins is dropped into this school after being kick out of every other school hes been to. You will soon dive head first into an almost immersive world of pranks and cruel jokes to fight againist your schoolyard foes. You will do everything from blowing up toilets to setting off fire alarms. In this game you can be that little demon inside. Bully Comes out October 17 2006. 

Vegas Baby

The newest game in one of the most genre defying games ever is Rainbow Six Vegas the game that takes a twich game and makes it a thinking mans game. There Much to be said about the genre but the newest game is taking a direction that many older gamers of the sersies many not like and newbies to the serise will love. Its making the teams smaller and is making the game a much faster pace fight through Sin City. The Demo they showed at E3 was intresting and had alot of cool features and new ideas but its going away from its predcessors. One Idea that I my self hate and belive that it will never work and frankly will fail. But if your new to the series and your a Halo sort of a person then by an means check the game out. But to me Ubisoft is strying to far away from the Classic Redstorm Games making me think that there trying to make the game something its not. Lets hope that Ubisoft Rethinks what there doing and trys to see that there leaving many dedicated fans behind. 

The Game No One Heard About, But Everyone Should Know About

There were many major annocments at E3 this year, from the launch date of the Nintendo Wii and PS3 to the annocment of one of the most highly anticapted games for the Xbox 360,  Halo 3. But there was one game that went under the radar that I belive will change the way gaming is played. Huxley is a massivly mutiplayer online shooter that will soon become available for the Xbox 360. The Game in itslef is a wild idea, mixing two game generas that always seem the Ying- Yan of the Industry. Very few games have ever tried this idea, the only one I know of is Planetside, which was a great game but had terrible flaws and never caught on as a big game like World of Warcraft. This could change with the idea of Huxley which will proably be in my opinion one of the Greatest inovations in the indusrty sense Half-Life and it will break one of those barriers that no one ever crosses into.

To Learn More Go to Ethier

 The Gamespot Site

or The  Devolpers Site At

The Man With The Wright Idea.

The name Will Wright is a name that all gamers know, he is one of the most inovative and creaative man of his time. With his first project being the first real simualtion game SimCity to his latest Project Spore in which Player try to devople a entier civilaztion from a single cell organism, the ultimate goal being to become the top of the Food chain. The game is possibly one of the most inovative and thoughtful games coming out for the PC early Quarter One of 2007. If Will Wright Pulls this off he will pull off one of the greates achievements ever in games in my idea he is truly one of the greatest inovaters in the gaming industry to this date.  

To Learn More

Check Out The Gamespot Website

In the Begining

I Start this Blog to talk about the real Gaming Industry and how it's not they who inovate but the people . So I start this to began what I Think is going to be one of the Top Years In Gaming.My Plan is to get one blog out a day trying to cover the Movers, and Shakers of the Industry, this is my plan. For One year I will Show the Games that no one covers but everyone should try. And Show you games that are what the Next Generation of Video Gaming is all about.