I'm hugely impressed by Tactics Ogre (a remake whose original version and prior remakes I somehow overlooked). Its a remake, but it does things nomodern tactical rpg has done.
One really great feature is the ability to rewind up to 50 actions back (you can go down a timeline and see the battlefield as it was at each point in time, picking out the point in time where you feel things started to go wrong). You don't have to use the feature, but given how tough and vicious the enemies are, you probably will wind up using it at some point.
The other standout feature is the story, which is not only strong and superbly localized, but offers meaningful choices which direct how the story goes, who your allies and enemies areand who lives and who dies (see the screens below for examples of dialogue). Also, the art direction is beautiful and the soundtrack is amazing.
I'm stillvery early in but I've gotten a handle on the combat and upgrade system (which as is typical of the genre, is extremely complex but which offers one a lot of room to built the characters and party you want to build). This one guy (and his army of zombies and ghosts) is beating my guys like a rented mule. The fight with him can be avoided, and perhaps I will eventually decide to avoid it, since my army hasn't come close to killing him.
Interestingly,TOwas put together byMatsuno and his team (in the PS1 and PS2 days I considered them the best rpg developers out there due to the high quality of Final Fantasy Tactics, Vagrant Story and FF12). I hope this signifies Matsuno's decision to get back into rpg development full time (he had some sort of nervous breakdown during the making of FF12 and stopped designing games for a while). Whatever system he makes his next game on, I will buy, even if its a Wii.
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